2014 A3disc hudson mills league

May - October 2014 • Dexter, Michigan
Singles league

Ace pool

as of September 20
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Sep 24, 2014 · Top scores
Hudson Mills Metropark
Monster course
Yellow tees (short), 18 holes
-6 49
Jim Daniels
-5 50
Ken Sailler
-3 52
Steve Peck
-5 50
Rob Loechel
-5 50
Joel Sharp
-2 52
Jeff Carlsen
-1 53
Jared Utke
E 54
Anthony Wash
E 55
William Gilbert
+3 57
Darren Hutchins
+2 57
Elijah Sharp
+5 59
Cullen Pasquesi-Hill
+5 60
Robert Kay
Overall standings
1Steve Peck120
2Ken Sailler113
3Ralph Seitter65
4Tommy Osborne28
5Mike Carey27
1Rob Loechel83.5
2Mark Wiltse77
3Joel Sharp75.5
4Andrew Hillard69
5Jacob Belmas68
1Mike Franklin102
2Spencer McMichael99
3William Gilbert83
4Terry Wiltse80.5
5Teresa Wiltse73
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/1/14

About this League

Singles league - 69 all-time players - 0 active players
$30.00 one-time player fee for this league
$1.00 ace pool entry
The Ann Arbor Area Disc Indeuced Sports Club (A3DISC) is an organization that promotes and organizes the sport of disc golf in the greater Washtenaw County area. Annual club membership dues are $30.00 if paid on or before Wednesday April 30th you will be able to play in the Discraft One Disc Challenge as well as the Monday and Wednesday night Leagues. Membership earns you a disc, a mini, and a shirt. In addition you will receive the 1-disc to participate in the 1-disc challenge to keep as w ...
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League News

William Gilbert   July 30, 2014 at 5:58am

Scorecard problems

With the scorebox down for over a month (It is BACK UP NOW) getting cards caught up is done, i still have to log them here, started up to June 11th. The last opportunity to turn in old cards (properly filled out) is tomorrow nights league. The other problems are the scorecards not being completed correctly. no full names, Dashes and worse no dates!!!! I have 20 cards with no dates on them. these need to be supplied or they are useless. i will list names in the talk tab.

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