Fitzgerald Frozen Fling

PDGA logoSaturday, February 20, 2016 at Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge, Michigan
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Fitzgerald Frozen Fling graphic

About this tournament

1 or 2 rounds of 24 holes- depending on daylight
Our good friend and local club member Matthew Toy has been stricken with an illness that needs medical attention. If you've ever gone through anything that requires multiple doctor visits, you know that all the insurance in the world can't cover it all. Because of this, this event is now a fundraiser for Mr Toy. Half of all entry fees will be donated to Matthew - the other half will be paid out. Please help us help Matt!
Ace pool, 5050 and ctps - with lots of snow!!!!

Erin, Trip Cs President, will be running a raffle for Toy. She is working on the grand prize and will post soon but can guarantee the grand prize will at least value $100 (hopefully more)! If you'd like to bring extra donations for the raffle, please do!
Tickets will be 1-$2, 3-$5, 7-$10, 20-$20! Bring your cash:)

Refund policy

Capital City Renegades is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.


Fitzgerald Park
Grand Ledge, MI   Get Directions

Final Results

Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1George Beno6161
2Mike Herbst6262
3Daymon Pugh6363
4Dan Treece6464
4Patrick Hood6464
4ziggy bierekoven6464
7Dave Milewski6565
7Nick Gill6565
9Brenden Tetloff6666
10Curtis Smith6767
10Mitch Winters6767
10Nicholas Eastman6767
13Anthony Meo6868
14Jason Kirkaldy6969
15Darren Harper7070
15Josh Taylor7070
17Michael Frame7171
18Ivan Larsen7272
18Matt DeHaan7272
20DJ Metzer7373
20Radwyn Sawer7373
22Shaun Adkins7575
23Jeff Bauman-0
23Jim Daniels-0
23K T -WPD-0
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
2John Hamel6666
3Mike forton6767
4Mark Ellis7171
5Cal Kristofferson7373
5Jammer Gross7373
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Ragna Bygde Lewis7272
2Krystal Fromm7373
3Erin Oakley7676
3Liz Carr-Sypien7676
3Samantha Socia7676
6Lisa Harbour7979
7Jennifer Sawyer8181
8Chandra DeGood9494
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Aaron Goofy Mitchell6464
2Ryan Duffy6666
3Alex grimes6767
3Josh SIwek6767
5Justin Stanish6969
5Marc Burnett6969
7Mike Spagnulolo7070
8John Carson7171
8Joshua Bucher7171
8Kenneth Mize7171
11Patrick Franz7272
12Eric Nelson7373
13Roy Smithkey7474
14Mike Kemp7575
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Dan Oakley7272
2Matt Lacey7272
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1James Mayes6969
2Craig Clingan7070
3Joe Levell7373
3Tom Tederington7373
5Keith Aten7474
6james-JOSH- russell7979
7Don Warfield8080
7Tom Jones senior8080
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Anthony Carpenter6565
2Andrew Sweet6666
2Miguel Salazar6666
4Chris Eberhard6868
4Larry Dalimonte6868
6Sean Morgan6969
6Simon Porritt6969
8Casey McDonnell7171
8Dave Halloran7171
8Dillan foster7171
8Eric Haite7171
8Kris Vezino7171
13Tom jones7272
15Nate Shelton7373
15Nick Fooch Fucinari7373
17Jim Knudson7474
18John Norkowski7575
18Kenneth Eckhoff7575
20Brandon Schafer7676
20Jason Hedrick7676
22Dexter Hulik7777
22Zach Young7777
24Andrew Wonch7878
24Dan Hultin7878
24Kirk Dunlap7878
27Tyler Nichols7979
28Monkey Michael Gary8282
29Adam Ledy8585
29Jacob Stahl8585
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Sean Halloran7272
2Cole Cosbitt7373
2Mike Varrone7373
2Ryan Sweet7373
5Oscar Judd7575
6Justin smith7676
7Eric Wahl7777
7Robert Skeide7777
9Billy Days7878
9David Bird7878
9Nate Upton7878
12jeremy prebble7979
13Tom Pless8080
14Chris Arnett8181
15Terry Grost8282
16Tyler Ferrin8383
17Jay Day8484
17Rich Priebe Jr8484
19Mitchell Kreps9494
20Patrick Schmits-0
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Cody Buren7878
2Spencer Morris7878
3Brion St. Clair8686
3Max Saxton8686
5Dalton Gorden8787
6Carl Caldwell9090
7Rob Sypien-0
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Jean Mayes8181
2Lauren St. Clair8787
3Christina Upton8888
4Kira Damusis9292
5Alyse Avery-0
Round 1: Fitzgerald Park - Fling24, 24 holes, par 72
1Kallie Howell8787
2Sherry Schmits9393
3Beth Grost100100
4Ashley Conlin117117
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