Craig Dickerson

Georgia, USA Righty - forehand

Craig's scores   »   Rivalries   »   vs Mark Spaugh


8 wins Craig Dickerson
5 ties
19 wins Mark Spaugh

Match history

Date Match Winner
July 30, 2011 Haywood Valley
+6 68
Craig Eagle Eye Open 2011, 18 holes
1 42 53 34 25 46 57 38 39 410 311 812 413 214 315 316 317 418 5Out 68 / +6
Round 2, damn that hole 11!
+6 68
Mark Eagle Eye Open 2011, 18 holes
1 32 73 34 25 46 47 48 59 310 411 512 413 314 415 316 417 218 4Out 68 / +6
Played like CRAP!
July 30, 2011 Haywood Valley
+8 70
Craig Eagle Eye Open 2011, 18 holes
1 42 63 34 45 36 47 48 49 510 411 512 313 314 415 416 417 318 3Out 70 / +8
Round 1, Ugly...
+7 69
Mark Eagle Eye Open 2011, 18 holes
1 32 53 34 35 36 57 48 39 410 311 612 313 514 215 316 317 618 5Out 69 / +7
July 17, 2011 Perkerson Park
+10 68
Craig Long Mix, 18 holes
1 32 43 (4)4 35 56 37 38 39 410 411 412 313 714 415 316 (4)17 418 3Out 68 / +10
Round 2
+8 66
Mark Long Mix, 18 holes
1 22 43 44 35 46 37 38 (5)9 310 411 312 313 614 (6)15 316 217 318 5Out 66 / +8
July 17, 2011 Perkerson Park
+6 64
Craig Long Mix, 18 holes
1 (4)2 43 34 35 46 37 38 39 410 411 312 313 514 415 416 317 318 (4)Out 64 / +6
Round 1
+9 67
Mark Long Mix, 18 holes
1 22 (4)3 (5)4 35 46 37 38 29 410 511 312 413 614 515 316 317 418 4Out 67 / +9
June 18, 2011 Meeks Park
-1 66
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 44 45 36 47 58 59 810 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 218 2Out 66 / -1
+2 69
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
June 18, 2011 Meeks Park
-6 61
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 46 27 38 59 510 411 312 313 314 415 416 217 418 3Out 61 / -6
-6 61
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
May 7, 2011 McCurry Park
+2 64
Craig Super Six Series 2010, 19 holes
1 42 33 34 35 46 37 58 49 410 3A 311 512 313 314 315 316 217 318 3Out 64 / +2
Round 2
+4 66
Mark Super Six Series 2010, 19 holes
1 32 43 44 45 46 37 48 49 (4)10 3A (4)11 512 313 214 315 416 217 318 3Out 66 / +4
3 putts cost me my first adv win! Damnit man!!
May 7, 2011 McCurry Park
+6 68
Craig Super Six Series 2010, 19 holes
1 42 33 34 35 46 37 48 (5)9 (6)10 3A 311 612 313 314 315 316 217 318 4Out 68 / +6
Round 1
E 62
Mark Super Six Series 2010, 19 holes
1 32 33 (5)4 25 46 37 38 59 310 3A 211 512 313 314 (5)15 216 217 318 3Out 62 / E
62 put me in the lead by a shot
April 17, 2011 J.P. Moseley Park
+13 74
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 23 44 45 46 37 38 79 510 411 ((7)12 413 714 315 316 317 318 4Out 74 / +13
+6 67
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
1 62 33 34 35 36 37 38 49 510 411 212 413 (8)14 315 216 517 318 3Out 67 / +6
Double circle 8 on 13..played like crap all weekend! 19th out of 22 players.
April 17, 2011 J.P. Moseley Park
+10 71
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 47 48 59 610 411 412 313 (8)14 415 316 317 318 4Out 71 / +10
+8 69
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 26 47 38 69 710 311 212 313 514 415 316 417 518 5Out 69 / +8
April 16, 2011 Flyboy Aviation
+16 116
Craig Regular tees, 27 holes
+7 107
Mark Regular tees, 27 holes
1 52 33 44 (5)5 36 27 58 59 410 411 312 313 314 515 (6)16 (4)17 318 (4)19 420 421 422 223 424 325 726 327 5Out 107 / +7
Lost 2 of my favorite bosses..wind was EPIC! ROUGH round!
March 12, 2011 Meeks Park
E 67
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 64 45 46 37 38 49 610 311 312 313 414 415 416 317 418 3Out 67 / E
Round 2, Not real proud of this one...
E 67
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 (4)4 35 56 37 38 49 410 311 512 313 414 315 516 517 318 3Out 67 / E
February 12, 2011 Wills Park
+5 59
Craig Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 49 410 311 312 (3)13 414 415 416 317 318 3Out 59 / +5
Round 2
-2 52
Mark Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 (5)4 25 26 37 28 39 310 211 312 313 414 315 316 317 218 2Out 52 / -2
February 12, 2011 Wills Park
+6 60
Craig Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 43 34 (4)5 36 47 38 (3)9 410 311 212 413 414 ((8)15 216 217 318 2Out 60 / +6
Round 1 (the double circle 8 got me)
+4 58
Mark Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 (5)3 24 25 36 57 28 39 310 411 312 313 314 (6)15 316 317 218 3Out 58 / +4
February 6, 2011 Perkerson Park
+10 68
Craig Long Mix, 18 holes
1 32 53 44 35 46 37 28 39 410 511 412 413 614 515 316 417 318 3Out 68 / +10
Round 2
+16 74
Mark Long Mix, 18 holes
1 (3)2 (7)3 44 25 36 37 (4)8 39 (6)10 511 312 (4)13 (6)14 515 516 (4)17 418 3Out 74 / +16
OB much? Took 16 holes to get a birdie...tough round!
November 13, 2010 Lenora Park
+1 55
Craig Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 413 314 315 316 217 318 3Out 55 / +1
-1 53
Mark Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 24 25 46 37 58 39 210 311 312 313 314 315 216 417 218 3Out 53 / -1
Round 1, 5 on hole 7 put an end to a decent round. I started on hole 9.
November 13, 2010 Alexander Park
+2 60
Craig Pro tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 45 36 37 38 39 310 311 212 313 414 315 316 417 518 4Out 60 / +2
-2 56
Mark Pro tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 38 29 210 311 312 313 314 415 416 317 318 4Out 56 / -2
Round 2, Couldnt make a putt, first deuce on the 16th hole of the round. Hung on to last cash in adv, but played crappy.
November 7, 2010 McCurry Park
-1 57
Craig Pro tees, 18 holes
Round 2
-1 57
Mark Pro tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 54 35 36 27 58 (5)9 310 211 312 313 214 215 316 317 318 5Out 57 / -1
2nd round. Was the leader thru alot of the round, had a shot on the last hole, went for it, and 4 putted. Still saved 2nd though, very fun day with Lofstrand and Porter!!
November 7, 2010 McCurry Park
-1 57
Craig Pro tees, 18 holes
Round 1
-1 57
Mark Pro tees, 18 holes
1 42 23 (4)4 45 36 37 48 39 410 211 312 313 (4)14 315 316 217 318 3Out 57 / -1
1st round. Solid, not great. 2 strokes off the lead.
October 3, 2010 East Roswell Park
+9 65
Craig Black tees (longest), 18 holes
1 42 33 34 55 36 47 48 49 310 311 412 213 314 215 416 517 418 5Out 65 / +9
First Round. I miscounted and turned in a 64 and got a 2 stroke penalty. It goes in the PDGA books as a 67.
+10 66
Mark Black tees (longest), 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 36 37 48 49 510 611 312 313 314 215 416 517 418 3Out 66 / +10
Round 1
October 3, 2010 East Roswell Park
+1 57
Craig Blue tees (long), 18 holes
1 32 33 34 45 26 37 48 39 210 311 312 413 414 315 316 417 418 2Out 57 / +1
Second round.
+6 62
Mark Blue tees (long), 18 holes
1 42 33 34 45 26 47 48 39 310 411 312 (4)13 314 415 416 417 218 4Out 62 / +6
Round 2
August 7, 2010 Alexander Park
+5 63
Craig Pro tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 35 36 (5)7 38 39 410 411 312 313 314 315 316 317 518 4Out 63 / +5
Round 2
-7 51
Mark Pro tees, 18 holes
1 32 23 44 25 36 37 28 39 410 211 212 213 314 315 216 217 518 4Out 51 / -7
2nd round
August 7, 2010 Alexander Park
+2 60
Craig Pro tees, 18 holes
1 22 23 54 35 56 47 38 39 310 311 212 313 314 315 216 517 518 4Out 60 / +2
Round 1
-4 54
Mark Pro tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 34 25 26 37 48 29 210 411 312 213 314 415 416 317 418 4Out 54 / -4
1st round
July 18, 2010 Deer Lick Park
+6 61
Craig Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 43 34 45 26 27 48 59 310 411 412 313 314 315 416 317 418 3Out 61 / +6
Round 3
+8 63
Mark Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 34 (4)5 36 37 48 49 310 311 412 313 314 515 516 317 418 3Out 63 / +8
Round 3, no birdies again Played 1/2 4th round and event was called for lightning.
July 17, 2010 Deer Lick Park
+8 63
Craig Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 55 36 37 48 49 310 311 312 513 314 615 316 317 318 3Out 63 / +8
Round 2
+4 59
Mark Regular tees, 18 holes
1 22 33 44 35 26 37 48 (4)9 210 511 512 213 514 315 316 317 318 3Out 59 / +4
Round 2...... 5 over in the last 4 holes?!!
July 17, 2010 Deer Lick Park
+9 64
Craig Regular tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 34 35 36 37 38 49 310 311 412 413 314 515 516 417 418 3Out 64 / +9
Round 1
+8 63
Mark Regular tees, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 (6)5 36 37 38 (6)9 310 311 412 413 314 315 316 317 318 3Out 63 / +8
Round 1....2 bad holes, no birdies.
June 19, 2010 Meeks Park
-6 61
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
-7 60
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 43 44 25 46 27 38 49 410 311 312 313 514 315 316 417 218 3Out 60 / -7
June 19, 2010 Meeks Park
-1 66
Craig Long tees, 18 holes
-3 64
Mark Long tees, 18 holes
1 42 33 44 45 46 27 48 39 610 311 412 313 314 315 316 317 318 5Out 64 / -3
February 20, 2010 White Oak Park
+8 65
Craig Blues tees (long), 18 holes
1 52 53 34 45 36 47 38 49 310 411 312 313 314 315 416 317 518 3Out 65 / +8
Round 2
+10 67
Mark Blues tees (long), 18 holes
1 62 63 34 55 36 47 38 39 310 311 312 213 314 615 416 417 318 3Out 67 / +10
Blew up in the 2nd round to finish 8th, was a fun day.
February 20, 2010 White Oak Park
+7 64
Craig Blues tees (long), 18 holes
1 32 53 44 45 36 57 28 59 410 311 412 313 314 415 316 317 418 3Out 65 / +8
Round 1
-1 56
Mark Blues tees (long), 18 holes
1 32 43 44 45 26 47 38 39 310 411 412 313 314 215 216 317 318 2Out 56 / -1
Tied for the lead after the 1st round
February 7, 2010 Perkerson Park
+7 62
Craig 2010 Ice Bowl Shorts, 18 holes
Round 2
+4 59
Mark 2010 Ice Bowl Shorts, 18 holes
1 32 33 44 35 36 37 38 49 410 311 312 313 514 315 416 217 318 3Out 59 / +4
February 7, 2010 Perkerson Park
+16 76
Craig 2010 Ice Bowl Longs, 18 holes
Round 1
+7 67
Mark 2010 Ice Bowl Longs, 18 holes
1 42 63 34 35 36 27 38 29 410 311 312 513 714 415 316 317 618 3Out 67 / +7
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