David Chernati

New Jersey, USA Righty - backhand

David's reviews

Camp Tecumseh › March 16, 2021
Great tee-pads. Healthy mix of woods and fields with a variety of lines for forehand and backhand throws. Excellent course!
South Mountain Park › January 31, 2021
This course is fun but short, with a lot of elevation change. Tight lines, a lot of trees, and a lot of potential ace-able holes. I would enjoy some tee-signs or maps with distances and pin locations.
Majestic ParkGunks DGC › November 24, 2020
Winter has eliminated a lot of tall grass and low-hanging foliage. The course is very well laid out, with a great mix of uphill/downhill shots, tunnels, and fields. Off-fairway shots are difficult with a lot of young trees. Great fun!
Greystone Woods › May 23, 2024
Greystone is a classic NJ disc golf course, featuring tight wooded fairways, a variety of shot-shapes, and a few open field shots. The addition of new tee pads & signs has elevated the course to a new level. The club is VERY active & always looking for new ways to improve the course. I'd venture to say that GS has one of the best disc golf communities in the state! There are regular tag rounds, organized doubles rounds, a multitude of tournaments, and the Facebook group is up to date. I'd ...
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Browns Point/Buzzy's Creek › November 3, 2020
1. Very close quarters. Many of the holes seem to overlap, leaving people on tee pads vulnerable to stray discs.
2. Some of the course markers are warn, without hole maps.
3. Difficult to follow the course without the UDisc map.
Brakewell Steel/WarwickMain course › October 20, 2020
Fields of Dreams › November 3, 2020
A great time for beginners and advanced players!

A good combination of wooded and field holes, par 3s and par 4s. The new long tee pads are excellently placed.
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