Kerry Hanley

Michigan, USA Righty - forehand

Kerry's reviews

The Breakers › August 29, 2020
Big fan! Love the spot. Lines. Baskets. The entire package!
Garbage Hill › April 16, 2021
Go home course, you're drunk!
Ross Park › March 21, 2012
This place does not use baskets. They use poles as targets.
McGraft Park › March 21, 2012
A missing basket, and blind throws near a road are the only dislikes for me.
Myles Kimmerly › March 21, 2012
This coarse needs TRASH CANS!!! Because people are idiots and throw there garbage on the ground. Too bad or it would be in the top 10 of Michigan.
Whitehall Township DGC › March 21, 2012
Great spot!
Flip City › April 22, 2022
Very nice coarse! It has so many fun elements. It is one of the best places I have played. That's for sure! Everyone said it was better then Hickory Hills in Traverse City, MI. I don't think it is. I think is a awesome coarse, that's for sure! But I love my home coarse! Please pay your 1$ for your round. This place is very well maintained and there is a lot of love put into it. So please show your respect. It's on a man's private property and you are graciously allowed to play there. Don't be a scum bag!!!
Hickory HillsOriginal › October 25, 2010
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