Here's an update of what changes may be in store for when we're able to meet up for league again.
* If the stay at home order ends on May 15 then we can possibly be back on June 6th but I don't think we'll be starting again until June 20th.
* More than likely there will be a limit on the amount of people that can gather so we'll change to playing singles from the shorts.
* Each player will get 2 mulligans per round (if you don't use them you lose them).
* If you are within 10 feet of the basket it'll be considered a gimmie and no need to putt out.
* We'll only have 2 or 3 players per card.
* Two options on cost option 1 will be $5 and cover $2 ace pool and $3 CTP/league. We won't do any payouts unless aces are hit. Top 2 in points at the end of the season win berths to States.
* CTP will either be done after the round one at a time or the lowest score will win CTP or we'll pick the CTP winner from a hat.
* Option 2 will be no costs and no ace pools. The top 2 in points at the end of the season will win berths to States.
* If we can't meet up then I'll be at the course from around 2 to 4:30 or so playing my round. I'll leave scorecards on my van and you can play a round with 1 or 2 others. Then either take a picture of the score card and text it or message it to me. Or leave it on the windshield of my van.
* The courses we play at may change if the current courses don't allow leagues.
* Points should stay the same though we may double points if 7 or less show up.
* All of this is subject to change, for example if States is canceled then we may cancel league. If we're allowed to meet in groups then maybe we'll do doubles.
TLDR: Going to Singles from the shorts with 2 mulligans. Only 2-3 people per card. May just end up with you have to play a certain course during a certain time and send me a pic of the scorecard.
No Bounds Winter/Spring 2020 May 3, 2020 at 9:08pm
League Update
Here's an update of what changes may be in store for when we're able to meet up for league again.
* If the stay at home order ends on May 15 then we can possibly be back on June 6th but I don't think we'll be starting again until June 20th.
* More than likely there will be a limit on the amount of people that can gather so we'll change to playing singles from the shorts.
* Each player will get 2 mulligans per round (if you don't use them you lose them).
* If you are within 10 feet of the basket it'll be considered a gimmie and no need to putt out.
* We'll only have 2 or 3 players per card.
* Two options on cost option 1 will be $5 and cover $2 ace pool and $3 CTP/league. We won't do any payouts unless aces are hit. Top 2 in points at the end of the season win berths to States.
* CTP will either be done after the round one at a time or the lowest score will win CTP or we'll pick the CTP winner from a hat.
* Option 2 will be no costs and no ace pools. The top 2 in points at the end of the season will win berths to States.
* If we can't meet up then I'll be at the course from around 2 to 4:30 or so playing my round. I'll leave scorecards on my van and you can play a round with 1 or 2 others. Then either take a picture of the score card and text it or message it to me. Or leave it on the windshield of my van.
* The courses we play at may change if the current courses don't allow leagues.
* Points should stay the same though we may double points if 7 or less show up.
* All of this is subject to change, for example if States is canceled then we may cancel league. If we're allowed to meet in groups then maybe we'll do doubles.
TLDR: Going to Singles from the shorts with 2 mulligans. Only 2-3 people per card. May just end up with you have to play a certain course during a certain time and send me a pic of the scorecard.
Leave any questions or comments you may have.