Thank you to everyone who came out, it was a great time!! Big thanks to WC GLOW, Norm Raby, Skip Howard, Stevo, Scottie Reslock (yes I just thanked myself) & Rob Shaffer for their added CTP's & donations, much appreciated!!
We had 28 players total, great turnout! Ben Calhoun/Nick Pacific (Donkey) took the W with -11. Ben Calhoun took the $135 ace pool on hole #4 white, Congrats ya bagger!
Again, thanks to everyone who participated in this event. It is a great tradition that we will continue to uphold for years to come, CHAAAAA!!!
24 CHA!NS FALL/WINTER 2016/2017 LEAGUE January 3, 2017 at 5:04pm
Thank you to everyone who came out, it was a great time!! Big thanks to WC GLOW, Norm Raby, Skip Howard, Stevo, Scottie Reslock (yes I just thanked myself) & Rob Shaffer for their added CTP's & donations, much appreciated!!
We had 28 players total, great turnout! Ben Calhoun/Nick Pacific (Donkey) took the W with -11. Ben Calhoun took the $135 ace pool on hole #4 white, Congrats ya bagger!
Again, thanks to everyone who participated in this event. It is a great tradition that we will continue to uphold for years to come, CHAAAAA!!!