Disc Fanatics of Kansas   March 30, 2015 at 6:14am

DFOK Meeting Notes: Thursday, Mar. 26th.

Below are my notes of the main items discussed and/or decided upon at the last Monthly DFOK Meeting, held on Thursday March 26th.

1. VIBRAM BIRDIE BASH - By Jessy Prado
Guest Speaker: Jessy Prado announced that she will be hosting an official Vibram Birdie Bash.
She is hosting the event as a fund raiser for a mission trip to Mongolia.
The tournament will take place at Fairmont Park on SUNDAY April 12th.
All skill level players are encouraged to play... Please spread the word.
Entry Deadline is April 6th, pre-registration is REQUIRED.
Baskets at Fairmont will be moved to "short" placements for this event.

A. DFOK DOUBLES: Kevin Clark announced the unclaimed remainder of the 2014 Ace Fund is $80.
It has been mentioned that most players would like to see those funds spent on Tuttle Creek course improvements.
Much discussion followed.
It was moved & seconded to investigate the potential of building a bridge/walkway from Tee 17 to Basket #17 & spend the $80 on that project.
Also of note; JP McVey has volunteered to be the league Co-Administrator & he has posted the scores the past few weeks.

B. 2015 DFOK WINTER VIRTUAL BAG TAG LEAGUE: Shad Schafer announced this league will be concluding as planned on Sunday, March 29th.

Mark Kewley has held (&paid for) the url "DFOK.us" for a few years in anticipation of DFOK needing a web-site that is 100% owned & managed by our club (rather that depending on a third party web site).
It was agreed upon by the group to renew the annual fee of $19.99, anticipating the need for posting official DFOK bylaws, board member position descriptions, club membership info, etc.
People volunteering to help pay this year were $5 Kevin Clark, $5 Shad Schafer, $5 Rick Petrie, $5 Mark Kewley.

A long discussion took place regarding the positions/offices/committees that DFOK should create when setting up the initial "board" structure.
Jeremy LeCrone, Mark Kewley & Shad Schafer brought their own (printed) drafts.
A long discussion followed about many options & philosophies, resulting in the following:
It was moved & seconded to start with the following five board member positions, then define the associated duties at next months meeting.
1. President.
2. Vice-President (maybe as President Elect).
3. Secretary
4. Treasure
5. Information Coordinator (or better name if found).
The motion passed 5-0.

WARNER PARK: Shad Schafer & Rick Petrie last rotated baskets in Warner Park in Mid-March, with 4 of the 5 being moved to alternate placements.
Fairway 5's basket was not moved due to a problem with it's lock.
TUTTLE CREEK: Mark Kewley, Shad Schafer, and a couple "unknown dudes" moved some baskets the week prior.

FAIRMONT PARK: Multiple members of the Fairmont Basket Committee moved baskets for the 2015 Midwest Collegiate Challenge (hosted by KSU DG Club).
They will be moved again for the upcoming Vibram Birdie Bash (hosted by Jessy Prado).

Mark has started pulling together some information & photos.
Nobody else has done any work on this project.
The topic is to be continued into next month.

FAIRMONT PARK: Rick stated there are no construction updates of note at this time.
A course workday will be needed this summer, date to be determined.
Potential for wood chips on fairways #2 & #6 to help deal with muddy conditions.
Note: Riley County Parks are building concrete sidewalks near the common "meeting area" located north of the disc golf parking lot.
WARNER PARK: Jeremy LeCrone has a walk-thru of the course with a City of Manhattan representative.
He plans to discuss filling in dirt around the practice basket, tee pads, trimming branches on walkway from 8 to 9 fairways, potential for stairs/steps on 4 & 9, adding trash cans.
A study as part of a Strategic Facility Improvement Plan is underway with the City of Manhattan.
The study is being conducted by a third party consulting company, reviewing all community parks & programs.
For more information, see notes provided by Jeremy LeCrone below.
TUTTLE CREEK: Daisuke announced the new baskets for the River Pond course are scheduled to arrive in Emporia, KS, between April 6th & 10th.
State Park staff members will pick up the baskets & bring them to the park.
State Parks staff will be digging holes for new ground equipment/bases in early April.
The non-basket equipment will be ordered soon.
DFOK CLUB WORKDAYS to install ground equipment/bases may be scheduled for APRIL 11th-12th, or APRIL 18th-19th, (depending on the delivery date of the required equipment).
The "old" black baskets will stay with the State Park for future use.
Tee & main sign design work is currently underway.

Many ideas for upcoming leagues & tournaments were discussed.
Shad proposed a 2015 singles format "Points League", to take place on Thursday evenings, starting in April.
It was moved & seconded to approve the basic framework of the proposed league.
The motion pased 5-0.
None of the other proposed leagues or tournaments were ready to be voted upon.

Members in attendance (for part of the entire meeting) were Mark Kewley, Brian Smith, Jessy Prado, Shad Shafer, Jeremy LeCrone, Kevin Clark, Daisuke Takahashi and me.
For those of you who were there, please feel free to clarify/correct/add to anything I wrote above… I could have easily missed something.

Rick Petrie