Below are my notes of the main items discussed and/or decided upon at the latest Monthly DFOK Meeting, held on Thursday Feburary 26th.
Kevin Clark made a formal request to conduct a DFOK endorsed league to run from March through October of 2015. The league was proposed to have the same rules of play, financial documentation, entry fees, and payouts as the 2014 DFOK Doubles league. There was approx. 15 minutes of discussion, most of which was centered around three major topics, plus a few minor topics. The two major topics were as follows; (1) Continuing with the documentation procedures that were put in place for this league in 2014 (as described above). People in attendance were in favor of continuing that practice because of the "transparency" that it provides for fellow disc golfers & non disc golfers (if needed). (2) Other communities use their league entry fees, in addition to generating prizes for players, as a way to raise money to pay for course improvements and/or maintenance issues. Two potential concepts were discussed. (A) A small part of every players entry fee would automatically go towards course improvements/maintenance issues. ---OR--- (B) Establishing an official "Club Membership" process that would include membership dues, then establish "Member" and "Non-member" league entry fees, with the proceeds going towards course improvements/maintenance issues. (3) How should any unclaimed Ace Fund dollars generated in the 2015 season be spent. A brief history of how they have been spent in previous years was provided & discussed. Items #1 and #2 above were discussed as items that are not easily achieved until more official Club structure is in place (at a later date/year). It was then Moved & Seconded to approve the request to conduct the 2015 DFOK Doubles League with the same rules & documentation procedures as 2014. A brief discussion about the motion took place. The Motion was then VOTED upon & passed 7-0 in favor.
A discussion took place regarding what exactly should DFOK as a club be doing for disc golf in the community in the short and long term future, plus the logistics of those ideas. Many ideas of projects, events, competitions, teams, etc. were discussed at great length. As a result the following Club Goals were drafted at the meeting.
1. Foster a community that promotes the positive advancement of the sport of disc golf.
2. Assist local park staff in course development, construction, and maintenance.
3. Host local disc golf competitions.
4. Host local disc golf outreach events.
5. Promote the Manhattan area as a disc golf destination.
It was moved & seconded to approve these 5 goals as the official DFOK Goals, subject only to annual review starting in 2016. The Motion was then VOTED upon & passed 5-0 in favor, with 1 obtained.
While on the above described topic, was the need for an official DFOK Mission Statement. Multiple items/statements to be included were discussed, including a draft Mission Statement document provided by Roberto Santiago.
In addition, a discussion took place regarding what specific DFOK Offices should be created as the club becomes more organized. The following potential offices were identified to be further discussed at next months meeting.
- President.
- Vice-President (Pres Elect. and/or Pres. In-Waiting)
- Public Relations Administrator.
- Social Media Administrator.
- Secretary.
- Course Representatives (work with and/or part of existing Basket Committees).
- League Administrators.
- Players Representatives.
Warner: All baskets were moved in the first week of Feb. They will next be moved around Friday, March 6th.
Fairmont: Sean O'Bryan & Roberto Santiago were added to this committee. Most baskets were moved in Feb.. They will next be moved prior to March 7th to facilitate the Midwest Collegiate Challenge to be hosted by the K-State Disc Golf Club.
FAIRMONT PARK / RILEY COUNTY: Three new park benches are going to be installed by the RL Co. Parks staff. Those locations have been marked with orange flags (please help keep those in place). Many ideas of course improvements were discussed. Members are encouraged to bring examples of ideas to the next meeting. It was generally agreed upon that DFOK will host a Fairmont Park course workday in 2015, with details to be worked out at a future meeting. (Update provided by Rick Petrie)
WARNER PARK / CITY OF MANHATTAN: The City is currently conducting a community wide study/survey (via mail) regarding all of their park properties & recreation programs. Multiple local disc golfers are known to have received a copy of the survey. See last months meeting notes regarding the study & timeline regarding the Warner Park efforts. Many ideas of course improvements were discussed. It was generally agreed upon that DFOK will host a Warner Park course workday in 2015, with details to be worked out at a future meeting. (Update provided by Jeremy LeCrone)
RIVERPOND / STATE OF KANSAS: There is no additional information regarding the release/arrival date for the new Dynamic Discs baskets. Details on the pending DFOK workday to install these baskets will follow. (Update provided by Daisuke Takahashi)
The Manhattan Convention & Visitors Bureau are interested in working with us to produce a pamphlets highlighting disc golf in the Manhattan area (see last months meeting notes for more information). All members are encouraged to bring potential artwork for a tri-fold document to next months meeting.
2015 DFOK Winter Virtual Bag Tag League: The current league will end in March, 2015.
Members in attendance were Shad Schafer, Jeremy LeCrone, Rob Santiago, Sean O'Bryan, Mark Kewley, Josh Carroll, Kevin Clark, and me. Note: Not all listed were present for the entire meeting. (For those of you who were in attendance, please feel free to clarify/correct/add to anything I wrote above… I could have easily missed something).
Disc Fanatics of Kansas March 2, 2015 at 8:24am
DFOK Meeting Notes: Thursday, Feb. 26th.
Below are my notes of the main items discussed and/or decided upon at the latest Monthly DFOK Meeting, held on Thursday Feburary 26th.
Kevin Clark made a formal request to conduct a DFOK endorsed league to run from March through October of 2015. The league was proposed to have the same rules of play, financial documentation, entry fees, and payouts as the 2014 DFOK Doubles league. There was approx. 15 minutes of discussion, most of which was centered around three major topics, plus a few minor topics. The two major topics were as follows; (1) Continuing with the documentation procedures that were put in place for this league in 2014 (as described above). People in attendance were in favor of continuing that practice because of the "transparency" that it provides for fellow disc golfers & non disc golfers (if needed). (2) Other communities use their league entry fees, in addition to generating prizes for players, as a way to raise money to pay for course improvements and/or maintenance issues. Two potential concepts were discussed. (A) A small part of every players entry fee would automatically go towards course improvements/maintenance issues. ---OR--- (B) Establishing an official "Club Membership" process that would include membership dues, then establish "Member" and "Non-member" league entry fees, with the proceeds going towards course improvements/maintenance issues. (3) How should any unclaimed Ace Fund dollars generated in the 2015 season be spent. A brief history of how they have been spent in previous years was provided & discussed. Items #1 and #2 above were discussed as items that are not easily achieved until more official Club structure is in place (at a later date/year). It was then Moved & Seconded to approve the request to conduct the 2015 DFOK Doubles League with the same rules & documentation procedures as 2014. A brief discussion about the motion took place. The Motion was then VOTED upon & passed 7-0 in favor.
A discussion took place regarding what exactly should DFOK as a club be doing for disc golf in the community in the short and long term future, plus the logistics of those ideas. Many ideas of projects, events, competitions, teams, etc. were discussed at great length. As a result the following Club Goals were drafted at the meeting.
1. Foster a community that promotes the positive advancement of the sport of disc golf.
2. Assist local park staff in course development, construction, and maintenance.
3. Host local disc golf competitions.
4. Host local disc golf outreach events.
5. Promote the Manhattan area as a disc golf destination.
It was moved & seconded to approve these 5 goals as the official DFOK Goals, subject only to annual review starting in 2016. The Motion was then VOTED upon & passed 5-0 in favor, with 1 obtained.
While on the above described topic, was the need for an official DFOK Mission Statement. Multiple items/statements to be included were discussed, including a draft Mission Statement document provided by Roberto Santiago.
In addition, a discussion took place regarding what specific DFOK Offices should be created as the club becomes more organized. The following potential offices were identified to be further discussed at next months meeting.
- President.
- Vice-President (Pres Elect. and/or Pres. In-Waiting)
- Public Relations Administrator.
- Social Media Administrator.
- Secretary.
- Course Representatives (work with and/or part of existing Basket Committees).
- League Administrators.
- Players Representatives.
Warner: All baskets were moved in the first week of Feb. They will next be moved around Friday, March 6th.
Fairmont: Sean O'Bryan & Roberto Santiago were added to this committee. Most baskets were moved in Feb.. They will next be moved prior to March 7th to facilitate the Midwest Collegiate Challenge to be hosted by the K-State Disc Golf Club.
FAIRMONT PARK / RILEY COUNTY: Three new park benches are going to be installed by the RL Co. Parks staff. Those locations have been marked with orange flags (please help keep those in place). Many ideas of course improvements were discussed. Members are encouraged to bring examples of ideas to the next meeting. It was generally agreed upon that DFOK will host a Fairmont Park course workday in 2015, with details to be worked out at a future meeting. (Update provided by Rick Petrie)
WARNER PARK / CITY OF MANHATTAN: The City is currently conducting a community wide study/survey (via mail) regarding all of their park properties & recreation programs. Multiple local disc golfers are known to have received a copy of the survey. See last months meeting notes regarding the study & timeline regarding the Warner Park efforts. Many ideas of course improvements were discussed. It was generally agreed upon that DFOK will host a Warner Park course workday in 2015, with details to be worked out at a future meeting. (Update provided by Jeremy LeCrone)
RIVERPOND / STATE OF KANSAS: There is no additional information regarding the release/arrival date for the new Dynamic Discs baskets. Details on the pending DFOK workday to install these baskets will follow. (Update provided by Daisuke Takahashi)
The Manhattan Convention & Visitors Bureau are interested in working with us to produce a pamphlets highlighting disc golf in the Manhattan area (see last months meeting notes for more information). All members are encouraged to bring potential artwork for a tri-fold document to next months meeting.
2015 DFOK Winter Virtual Bag Tag League: The current league will end in March, 2015.
Members in attendance were Shad Schafer, Jeremy LeCrone, Rob Santiago, Sean O'Bryan, Mark Kewley, Josh Carroll, Kevin Clark, and me. Note: Not all listed were present for the entire meeting. (For those of you who were in attendance, please feel free to clarify/correct/add to anything I wrote above… I could have easily missed something).
Rick Petrie