John Minicuci  › BOBIS Saturday Doubles 2014   November 15, 2013 at 6:34am

I am very sorry for this inconvenience but this week's BOBIS will see a change in venue. We will be playing at Firefighters this Saturday, November 16, 2013 instead of the previously scheduled Sunnybrook. This weekend’s format will be Random Draw.

Next weekend's event previously scheduled for Fox Creek may also see a change in venue. Please hang in there as I try to organize some of these final details.

As I stated the past few years, I am going through a transitional period and my ability to provide the quality of attention you guys deserve has not been up to what I believe it should be. Nate Buban has volunteered to begin to relieve me of running BOBIS. This is a huge burden of time Nate is volunteering for and with it comes a couple of ideas we have been thinking about. For instance:
A 1 time membership fee of $10 for those who care to join.
This fee will get you a BOBIS tee shirt or disc at the end of the year.
100% of the remaining funds from the membership will be rolled into the BOBIS Ace Race at the end of the year.
It will also allow you to enter each week a BOBIS Super Ace Pool of $4.
BOBIS would now be $5 to play, $1 Ace Pool for everyone, and a $4 BOBIS Super Ace Pool.
$10 all in for members per week.
The BOBIS Super Ace Pool will payout to members only 100%.
Each member must have at least 3 weeks in to collect any Ace Pool over $500.00
If they do not have the minimum # of weeks they would get 50% of the BOBIS Super Ace Pool.
The 1st 3 weeks we run this, everyone can enter the $4 Super Pool and win it all.
By the time December rolls around, it will be members only for the BOBIS Super Ace Pool.
The normal $1 Ace Pool will stay as is.
As for me, I will try to be at as many BOBIS's as I can, sorry. I am not going anywhere. I simply cannot dedicate as much time to this as I have in the past. There are many good people who have supported the past BOBIS Saturday events and I thank you. I am sure there will be plenty of you to help Nate out along the way. I too will do what I can to see this continue on and assist Nate as he carries on the BOBIS legacy.

Thank you,