WC GLOW 2013-2014   November 7, 2013 at 9:12am

11.06 Glow recap

Thank you to all who came out tonight to play glow at Bandemer. A little windy, but warm for Novemebr and the rain even held off
Good night if your last name is Jopps. Team Jopps take home a win, and Jason cashes in on the ace pool, knocking in the ace on 5 Red. Congrats! Cash CTPs earned by Shane Brayton(2), and Foz Miller. Thank you to Ben Ross who donated a Magnet and a mini as a CTP this evening, which was won by Tim Weir. Ben runs the Lost Disc Tribe club out of the Jackson area. Please consider coming out to play one of their league days or their upcoming doubles tournament (Nov. 16).
We are going to stay at Bandemer for next week's round. See you at 7pm next Wednesday.