DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2012/13   January 17, 2013 at 1:05am

DGLA: MiCPS-Winter 2013 - 01/16 *** Week 8 Stats & more ***

Week 8 - January 6-12, 2013

# of Players 171 up 31 over last week.
# of Rounds played this week 227 up 87 over last week.

Now we just started to do these weekly and monthly stats summaries in hopes to share who is doing what, where and how. Revealing How players are achieving their position at the top of the leaderboards and setting themselves a part as the top disc golf leagues players in the state of Michigan. While also giving the leagues and players more recognition for their achievements. And as always a big thanks to all the league coordinators who make leagues fun and exciting and more accessible to more players than ever before and all those players who lend a hand from time to time - THANKS!

The other question I'm always interested in is how fast and in what ways are Disc Golf Leagues growing.

For a quick comparison of 2012 to 2013 we have these stats to get a feel for growth just in Michigan:

2012 MiCPS-Winter we had 15 leagues and over the whole season we had 349 players compete in those leagues.

In 2013 we have 37 leagues - more than double the number and at the half way point we already have 405 players who have participated. I love those stats trends!!!

When I did a quick check of week 8 for both season - the first thing I notice was that last year we had no Weekly and Monthly leaderboards - these are new features that DGLA brainstormed and Disc Golf Scene (Pete) made a reality - Continued growth and improvement - THANKS!!! Pete - We are lov'in the Disc Golf Scene...

Now week 8 last year had 11 leagues playing that week and this year we had 17.

Let's look at more of the MiCPS-Winter Week 8 (January 6-12, 2013) stats:

Round Stats:
For week 8 the max rounds played by a single player was 4 rounds and that was achieved by 6 players. 9 players got in 3 rounds and 23 shot in 2 rounds and 134 players got in at least 1 league round for the week. 171 players in all - playing 227 rounds of disc golf. Way to get out and enjoy the week.

All Leaderboards » Rounds Week Eight
Player Points Rounds
1 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 68 4
1 Ben Ciccarelli 34 4
1 Jerry "Chilly" Chilson 44 4
1 Jimmy Bates 46 4
1 George Beno 67 4
1 samuel smith 46 4
7 Chris Reece 30 3
7 Jason Kirkaldy 56 3
7 Jamie Mosier 66 3
7 Jason Adamski 50 3
7 Mark Perrine 30 3
7 Tyler Kind 58 3
7 Mike Stratford 28 3
7 jon kind 44 3
7 Josh "J Bird" Frisinger 38 3

Points Stats:

The Average Points earned per player this week 20.69, only increased 1.0634 points over last week, but the Max point total was increased by 26 points by Craig Przytulski earning 84 points in 2 rounds. One round at Lacey Inn Thursday Singles and the second at Club Kensington 2012-2013 Winter Dubs in which he hit hole 9 for a 50 point Winter Ace - Nice Shot!!! Craig. Now it's great to hit an Ace - I'd like to run some stats on Aces, how many, probability per hole ect. but what do you think the probability is that two players hit an Ace on the same hole during a given round? How about on the same card? Getting smaller. And they are brothers???? I can't do the math that quick but I suspect I don't have enough zeros to follow the decimal point - it's that low- but if you look at the leaderboard and notice that #2 on the weekly Points leaderboard is Andrew Przytulski with 80 points and only 1 round. I had to check into this one and luckily Jeff Kaluk who runs Club Kensington 2012-2013 Winter Dubs had this post in the talk section to confirm that this actually occurred:

"Andrew and Craig Przytulski both ace #9 while on the same card each getting $137."

- Brothers share the Ace Pool - Mom is surely proud - Well Done!

All Leaderboards » Points Week Eight
Player Points Rounds
1 Craig Przytulski 84 2
2 Andrew Przytulski 80 1
3 Kyle Greenhalgh 74 1
4 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 68 4
5 George Beno 67 4
6 Jamie Mosier 66 3
7 Tyler Kind 58 3
8 Jason Kirkaldy 56 3
9 Jim Daniels 54 2
10 Jason Adamski 50 3

How is the Month of January stacking up so far?

So with about half of the month complete we have 235 players so far playing participating leagues in Michigan.

5 Players have played 4 different leagues throughout the month with the average being 1.4 per player.
# of Leagues # of players
4 8 players
3 14 players
2 29 players
1 180 players

All Leaderboards » January Leagues
Player Leagues played
1 Jerry "Chilly" Chilson 5
1 Jason Kirkaldy 5
1 Ben Ciccarelli 5
1 Jamie Mosier 5
5 Foz Miller 4
5 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 4
5 Ron Howard 4
5 George Beno 4
5 samuel smith 4
5 Jimmy Bates 4
5 Josh "J Bird" Frisinger 4
5 Jason Adamski 4

44 League Rounds have been played during the Month to date

44 League rounds - who are the big winners this month so far?

Jimmy Bates has accumulated 3 wins this month already (Night Moose Winter League 2012-2013, Thursday Night Moose Glow Experience, & Flip Side Doubles) helping him climb the leaderboard and Jimmy has only been surpassed by one player - Dale "Llama" Wrobel with his 4 league wins in January so far and that is one reason Dale still commands that top position on the leaderboards - Well done guys.

# of Wins # of Players
4 1 player - Dale "Llama" Wrobel
1.3 Average

3 1 Player - Jimmy Bates
2 10 Players
1 32 Players

All Leaderboards » January Wins

Player Wins
1 Dale "Llama" Wrobel 4
2 Jimmy Bates 3
3 Rich Mcpherson 2
3 J B 2
3 Scott Lammers 2
3 Kurt Umbarger 2
3 Dave Lassen 2
3 Ben Calhoun 2
3 Jason Kirkaldy 2
3 marty peters 2
3 George Beno 2
3 Jamie Mosier 2

Peace & Enjoy the winter rounds

Jason Kirkaldy   January 16, 2013 at 6:09pm


Craig Przytulski   January 28, 2013 at 12:02pm

Thanks for the great write up Foz. The back to back bros ace was truly something that I will remember for a very very long time. good times