DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2012/13
Point Series
Ok the Winter season has wrapped up and so Mother Nature please help us out - The Summer league has started and we would welcome some great spring weather....
So we have some congratulations/accolades to pass along as well as some awards for the DGLA Player members.
First a big thanks for all who participated, who played leagues throughout Michigan during the Winter season and help grow this great sport, contributed to their club and local, and not so local, leagues and those who helped ...
So February stats are locked and I wanted to post a summary real quick as we wind down the last week of the DGLA Michigan Cooperative Point Series Winter 2012/13 season.
-={ Only 5 days left }=-
In January Dale "Llama" Wrobel played the most rounds with 14 rounds played followed by 3 players who managed to get to 13 rounds, 4 with 12 rounds each. In February Jon Kind hit the course for the most league rounds with 13 rounds recorded. Three players got in 12 rounds, 6 got ...
DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 – Weekly Summary - Week 15: Feb 24th - Mar 2nd 2013
*** Only 1.5 more weeks of play left in the MiCPS Winter 2013 season ***
# of Players 126 down 18 over week 14
# of Rounds 178
OK with week 15 we crossed over into March and that means Spring is just over those big snow and ice piles. A few more crazy weather rounds and we should be able to begin to shed the layers. Welcome March. Welcome the begining of Spring. Adjust the clocks and have ...
OK - last weeks quick summary
DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 – Weekly Summary - Week 14 Feb 17th-23rd 2013
*** Only 3 more weeks of play left in the MiCPS Winter 2013 season ***
# of Players 144 Up 16 over last week
# of Rounds 217 Up 47 rounds from last week
Even with more cold rounds this week the participant numbers climbed. Nice!!!!
Reminder if you play a league round and the temps "Feel Like" they are 15 degrees or less, with wind chill. Post in t ...
OK - I made it home - I love winter travel..... and here is the next quick summary
DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 – Weekly Summary - Week 13 Feb 10th-16 2013
*** Only 3 more weeks of play left ***
# of Players 128
# of Rounds 170
Almost the exact same as last week but with a few extra rounds. Probably due to the warmer weather.
Reminder if you play a league round and the temps "Feel Like" they are 15 degrees or less, with wind chill. Post in the Talk secti ...
OK Sorry for the missing weekly updates but work has been getting the way. Since I'm delayed in Peoria Il airport I thought I'd get a bit caught up. So I'll try and post quick weekly summaries for the missing weeks and then last weeks summary with an overall update.
DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 – Weekly Summary - Week 11 Feb 3rd - 9th
*** Only 3 more weeks of play left ***
# of Players 128
# of Rounds 168
Reminder if you play a league round and ...
Before I get into all the cold facts I wanted to let you know that DGLA has registered member number 104.
Thanks to all of current members for showing your support for our collective effort to make this more fun and grow our sport of Disc Golf. Thanks!
DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 – Weekly Summary - Week 11 January 27 - February 2, 2013
*** Only 5 more weeks of play left ***
Overall Summary:
# ...
This just came to my attention and is well worth a few minutes to fill out this online survey to help the planning commission for the Ypsilanti area hear from the people who live and play in the Ypsi area.
Note the word is spreading from Park staff and commissioners about the impact to attendance and the offering of a park if they incorporate Disc Golf courses. The more this word spreads the more courses we all have to enjoy and the more people who can easily access courses the faster the ...
Newest DGLA Members
Paul Holstein 98
David Lassen 99
Phil Common 100
One last Founding Member spot still available - First 100 and DGLA Member # 101.
That is not the end goal - just the beginning. With your support, ideas and participation the Disc Golf League association will assist Disc Golf and Disc Golf League grow and reach new heights. More fun, more reward, more and better courses, new and exciting leagues & formats.
It's FREE to signup and get your DGLA number. T ...
Before I get into all the cold facts I wanted to let you know that DGLA has just assigned Member number 97. Now since there is no #1 in DGLA, since this is a cooperative effort and we are always looking for one more members to help grow Disc Golf and Disc Golf leagues – show your support – be a founding member for FREE. Founding members are members 2-101. 4 spots left and thanks to all of 96 current members for showing your support for our collective effo ... more
DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 – Weekly Summary
Overall Summary:
# of Players 425
# of Rounds 2151
Week Nine: January 13th – 19th
# of Players 186 Up 14 over last week
# of Rounds 262 Up 31 over last week
Double Point Rounds during the week:
Thursday January 17, 2013
6:00pm Lacey Inn Thursday Singles - The Lacey InnDouble points!
6:00pm Thursday Night Moose Glow Experience - Moose MeadowsDouble points!
The most rounds played jump this week fro ...
Week 8 - January 6-12, 2013
# of Players 171 up 31 over last week.
# of Rounds played this week 227 up 87 over last week.
Now we just started to do these weekly and monthly stats summaries in hopes to share who is doing what, where and how. Revealing How players are achieving their position at the top of the leaderboards and setting themselves a part as the top disc golf leagues players in the state of Michigan. While also giving the leagues and players more recognition for their ac ...
Thanks for the great write up Foz. The back to back bros ace was truly something that I will remember for a very very long time. good times
The MiCPS-Winter 2013 DGLA Player's leaderboard is lock for the season. There are 29 players competing for MDGO State Championships Berths and awards based on their overall performance as compared to the other DGLA players.
Wow! This is great - More than Summer 2012 and this means that Summer 2013 is going to start with 29 players since these players get both Winter and Summer season, two seasons for shots at berths and prizes - the advantage of upgrading during the colder winter seaso ...
A few more slip in to the DGLA Player Leaderboard before it the deadline - LAST Day to upgrade to get both Winter and Summer for just $30...
Two more Player level members:
John McClenahan
Tyler Kind
That brings us up to 25 Players in for both Winter and Summer with the deadline for Winter is TODAY. At the end of Jan 15th we will lock the Player membership for Winter. Looking to earn your MDGO State Championship berth or some extra booty for all your league rounds - Two season for just ...
I hope everyone enjoyed the short warm-up, now back to our regularly scheduled Michigan winter disc golf weather and the MiCPS-W news.
A few more Player level members since my last report:
Mike Stratford,
Ron Howard
michael howard, aka - "Skip"
Bob D. , aka "Mr. Derkacz"
Dale "Llama" Wrobel
That brings us up to 23 Players in for both Winter and Summer with the deadline for Winter is just a day away. At the end of Jan 15th we will lock the Player m ...
January Thaw ????
Well - kind of crazy weather for January disc golf in Michigan but it's great to thaw out a bit before we get more of those Double Point Cold rounds before Spring returns our lush courses and we get to shed multiple layers ;-)
Thaw is the period when the snow and ice melt, at the end of the winter, in cold climates. A special thaw, outside normal season, is January thaw.
The DGLA Player member leader board continues to g ...
Well week 7 stats were impacted by the Holidays - some got to play more and others had to eat to much and spend time with relatives and others had to work over time especially if your in the retail bussines.
Reminder only 6 days left to upgrade to Player
level member for both Winter and Summer seasons. If
you want to complete for berths and awards during
the Winter season you must upgrade by Jan 15th.
Still five players managed to get out and play three league rounds ...
DGLA Player members for Winter is now at 15 players - Thanks to jon kind, Adam Schneider, Jim Jean & Scott Martinelli, our most recent additions. So as of now that means there is $150 for MiCPS-Winter payouts - $10 from each Player Member. $5 from each Player Member goes into the MiCPS-Summer payout pool along with $15 from each Player member who upgrade after Jan 15th and are competing in the Summer season only as a Player level member . I know of several more players who plan on registe ... more
OK the first week of the New Year has come to and end and the weekly stats leaderboards will be official after tomorrow when it locks. The monthly and weekly leader boards lock three days after their end date. If leagues post results after that they show up in the main leaderboard for overall standing but not in the Monthly and Weekly stats if posted after it locked.
At least one league has received Double points for playing a round at 15 degrees or cooler (Flip Side Doubles Thursday, Janua ...
I have a few weekly and month stats for you but first a reminder of a critical deadline for the MiCPS Winter. Jan 15th is the last day for players to upgrade to Player level and compete for the Berths and payouts based on your standing. There are only 8 Player level members currently competing for the berths for the MDGO Michigan Disc Golf Championship berths and payouts. Those Winter players are also automatically included in the Summer Point Series for more chances at earning berths and pay ... more
Just a quick reminder that if during your round the temperature (with Wind Chill) is 15 Degrees or cooler you have earned double points but we need to know to update the schedule or you wont get those well earned double points.
Just look at weather.com and if the temp in the "Feels Like" section, during your round, is 15 degrees F or lower then post in the Talk section "League - Course - Time", of the round and I will verify and mark the round as double points.
Looks like Glow round have a good chance for Double points already...
Enjoy the Winter rounds - Happy New year
Happy Holidays from the DGLA! Hope you get to spend some of it on the course, and off the course with your friends and family.
Things are looking good for an epic year in disc golf. Thanks to the MDGO including Todd White and Keith Aten for planning what is sure to be the best year yet in tournament disc golf.
Make sure you thank your local league coordinator, for without them this whole point series would cease to exist! It isn't always the most glamorous or thankful job, so please recognize them next time you are at league. Thanks league coordinators!
Cheers, DGLA
Reminder if you play a round and the temperature is 15 degrees F or lower post in the Talk section with the league name and date and we will verify and mark the round for Double Points.
Those who persevere in the face of adversity will be rewarded - Enjoy the Winter rounds.
From all of us at the Disc Golf League Association (DGLA), we wish you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday season. Happy Holiday and have a Funtastic New Year of Disc Golf in 2013. Peace be with you all.
If 15 degrees is worth double points then shouldn't 15 beers be triple points?
Here is a recent question that I have also gotten during several rounds recently. I thought the info would be helpful for many other players.
“Am I reading correctly that we won’t get a berth for top spots in winter MiCPS unless we pay for the DGLA Player membership?
I’m sure that will help the DGLA memberships specifically but what about the MAJORITY of people that choose not to be a member, what will those people get for top spots? ...
the DGLA - Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2013 (MiCPS-W 2013)
237 total players throughout Michigan
No fee to play in this league
37 participating leagues
Well we are off to a great start and some great weather. No Double points rounds yet for being 15 degrees or lower during a round. I'll provide some more stats shortly but I wanted to make a quick post with some commonly ask questions:
How can I join the MiCPS-w 2013?
All you have to do is play a ...
All the DGLA MiCPS-Winter 2013 leader boards are now active and calculating correctly - using the three tier point calculation:
For those playing league with 20 or more players you will not see a change but for smaller leagues you will see that your players are much more competitive with this point calculation adjustment.
Thanks! Pete
If you have comments or s ...
Thanks for everything you do Foz!
yeah buddy thanks allot!
ty foz for everything. its greatly appreciated.
Ty for doing this foz but 11th place getting the same as 30th is weak sauce. Hopefully the first year of dgla won't always be the best...
A $5 certificate to the throw shop makes it able to by a disc at the regular going rate
I think James is right, $300 is not enough to pay 30 people.
Have the Emails been sent out to collect?