ADGA Magical Miss Tree Four   July 26, 2023 at 2:26pm

Week 2 Kincaid update

As you may or may not have heard, a bear decided to post up on the teepad of 16, making it impossible for a couple of groups to play the hole last night. Fortunately or unfortunately (no one had an ace or a bogey on the hole, so it's not making a huge amount of difference), I'm going to have to remove that hole from competition, and everyone played a 17-hole layout last night. Your scores might look a little weird - the hole called 16 if you look at the hole-by-hole scoring is actually the second to last hole on the course (where we lost the tree a few weeks ago) and the hole called 17 is the final hole of the course (up the hill, in the bowl to the left).

I'm 95% sure I adjusted all the scores right, but please take a look here and make sure your scores for "16" and "17" (what you thought you got on 17 and 18) are correct:

I apologize to the people who birdied actual hole 16 but them's the breaks. Sometimes bears just ruin your night.