Jason Cosley  › Krape Park Battle of the Birdies C-Tier Singles   September 11, 2021 at 2:08pm


(+1 stroke, play from where the disc was last in bounds):
No mandos
Islands on: 12,17
13 has a temp teepad

Hole 1: Over fence on the left. On or over road on the right.
Hole 2: On or over road left/long.
Hole 3: Over the property line on the left (straight line from post to post). On or over the road right.
Hole 4: On or short of the road.
Hole 5: On or over path on the left side of fairway.
Hole 6 short pad: On or over path left. On or over road right. On or over path long of the basket.
Hole 7: On or over path left and long. On or over road right.
Hole 8: . on /over path
Hole 9: N/A
Hole 10: On or over road long of the basket.
Hole 11 : play to 16bs basket.On or over road left. On or over gravel road right of the basket.
Hole 12: .must make island If missed, proceed to drop zone.
Hole 13: On or over path left. On or over road right.
Hole 14: On or over path left. On or over road left up by the basket. In the water right.
Hole 15: In the water. On or over road right.
Hole 16: In the water left. On or over gravel road right.
Hole 17:island if missed proceed to dropzone.
Hole 18: On or over road left. On or over path right (Hole 8's fairway).