Leagues are set to begin on Monday, April 24, 2017. Please sign in no later than 6:00. We NOT allow any additions after 6:00, we need to get score cards set up, please be on time as we are giving you an extra 15 minutes this year. We will tee off at 6:15 sharp.
WDG Summer leagues is a great opportunity for new and veteran players to compete and socialize, with awesome opportunities to win prizes and cash every league night. We love having the opportunity to grow the sport, and build our disc golf family at Whitehall. All levels of play are welcome. Play 1, or play all, your choice, but there is some incentive for you to play all with the point series.
The ace pool will start at $100, and will be capped at $100. This allows us to keep the amount consistent, without having to wait for the pool to build back up after an ace is hit. The cap is $100 per night, so multiple aces will split that amount, however, as it has happened in the past, we will add in merchandise to players that do split.
There will be (2) Closest To Pin, and (2) Long Putt prizes each night. Prizes are cash, merchandise, discs, gift cards, etc.
This year we will have a Truck toss pre-league CTP for cash and merchandise, as well as a mini throw for cash. .
We will use the point series as we have in the past, with (10) points added for attendance each night, (1) point for every player that you score better then (adjusted hcp score), (10) for outright low hcp score (ties do not count), and (25) point for aces. Occasionally, we will run double point nights, usually when weather conditions are poor. Points can be tracked on Discgolfscene.com, and at the end of the year we will take the top 12 players in points and have a playoff for the top spot. Everyone on that (12 person) leader board will get a prize. The remaining players will participate in hi-lo doubles for additional prizes. The overall league champ receives a Discatcher basket.
All rock gardens (hole 4 and 11) are out of bounds, and the mandatory on hole 5 is in play. There is no 2-meter rule, play your disc where it lands. All holes will play as Par 3's, and if a player "pars" Deep 6, they win a disc. We are playing 21 holes this year, with the alternates on the Deep and back in play. This should spreed groups out a little more.
The cost of this league will be $20, which will include a custom league stamped disc (This years options are Innova Champion Glow Shryke, Rhyno, & Eagle), and prizes at the league end party. League members will be eligible for all giveaways and prizes (including (6) State Berths), as well as the league end party. We do encourage new players to come out and check things out if they are concerned about committing to paying the league fee (The disc you recieve is almost worth the League fee so its a win-win). We are requiring the $20 fee to be paid within (2) weeks of your first night, you will not be allowed to play more than (2) weeks without paying the fee. In additions, each night there will be a $5 league fee that will be used for the payouts of that league night. $1 goes to the Ace Pool, $1 goes to the course, and the rest is used for the payout.
Proceeds from all WDG events are used for course maintenance and miscellaneous projects throughout the year, as well as funding for prizes and future events.
We strive to have an open an honest league, please let us know (in private) if you suspect any dishonesty with scoring or claiming CTP/LP prizes. It's an unfortunate reality, but we do have to monitor it.
Feel free to comment, ask questions, offer suggestions, etc. we are always open to making things better.
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Well said and what a shame..I use to love that area wish that course was there in 2005