Westwide Weekends 2014

August - October 2014 • Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Singles league

Ace pool

as of October 13
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 18, 2014 · Top scores
Miniwaukan Park
Long tees, 18 holes
-6 48
Tanner Helm$8
-6 48
Dan Gerick OPEN$8
E 54
David Whiteside$4
-5 49
Matt Brody$8
-1 53
Tyler Kollias$4
E 54
Alex Jensen
-5 49
Josh Moore$12
-1 53
Brandon Tougaw$8
+1 55
Disc Dog$5
+4 58
Matt Lemke$8
+5 59
Adam Larke
Overall standings
1Tanner Helm24.5
2Mike Harrington12
3David Whiteside10
3Dan Gerick OPEN10
1Trent Peters35
2Dan Gerick27
3Matt Brody23
1Brandon Kinsey53.5
2Brandon Tougaw44
3Josh Moore42
1Matt Lemke21
2Adam Larke20
3Emily Jensen13.5
1Loretta Ellery8
2Tracy England3
2Jojo Borchardt3
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/18/14

About this League

Singles league - 57 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
This is a singles league very much like all the other leagues run by The Disc Golf Experience. This is a 10 week league ending on October 11th and we will only take your best 8/10 weeks in terms of points to decide the winners of each division. There will be divisions for all skill levels and Juniors and Women also. This is a very beginner friendly course so help spread the word about this league and let's see if we can't get 15-20 people every week. Entry fee for Women and Juniors ...
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League News

Mike Harrington   October 13, 2014 at 8:39pm

The End of Westside Weekends is upon us

It has been a rare circumstance that I have had to bump people up a division in the middle of a season . . .and I have never had it happen where these people I jumped up remained in the points lead in then lower division. This happened partially because I had no scoring history at Miniwaukan Park and also because I had no idea who or how many people would ultimately be playing Open. Well I had to set a precedent with this league and that is that if you do not finish a season in a division you ca ... more


Mike Harrington   August 17, 2014 at 8:29pm

Week #2 is in the books!

Well the Open Division played the first round from the Blue Tees giving my first assessment of how much harder those tee play. I am excited to see how the Advanced and Intermediate players do compared to the short tees in Week #4 when they play them for the first time. I highly recommend practicing some rounds from those tees before Week #4 (September 6th).

Week #3 is all short tees for all divisions next week but don't forget there is NO LEAGUE on August 30th because it is Labor Day We ... more

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