This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 33 all-time players - 0 active players
$6.00 one-time player fee for this league
$6.00 player fee each session
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Keep those putting skills sharp this winter with SJVDGC putting league! Every Tuesday night from 6-8:30pm, running from January 3rd-Febuary 28th. League nights will consist of 2 rounds through a putting course with a variety of different putts. Each station will have 2 separate markers that players will putt twice from, ...
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Keep those putting skills sharp this winter with SJVDGC putting league! Every Tuesday night from 6-8:30pm, running from January 3rd-Febuary 28th. League nights will consist of 2 rounds through a putting course with a variety of different putts. Each station will have 2 separate markers that players will putt twice from, one short and one long. 2 putts from each marker. If you make 1 putt it is 1 point if you make both putts it is 3 points, highest total points after 2 rounds determine the winners. Along with the weekly rounds we will have bonus games such as knock out, long putt, etc. Only 2 putters are needed to play. Entry fee is $6 a week and the league is open to all skill levels and ages. 3 different division will be available-Pro, AM, Novice. Pros will receive weekly cash payouts for the top 40% with the top 40% of am players receiving plastic payouts from Fly High Disc Supply.
Check them out at
Picture of every disc from the inventory is on the website.
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