This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Singles league - 9 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Must play three weeks (does not have to be consecutive weeks) to obtain your handicap. Don’t worry to all the players who shoot below par every week we are not adding strokes. There will also be at least one ctp per week and an ace fund. The first three weeks we will be paying out two pools an and b payouts will be determined on amount of players and discussed at event. After week three when handicaps are in play there will also be a hot round payout, so let’s say you shoot the best ...
continue reading ›Must play three weeks (does not have to be consecutive weeks) to obtain your handicap. Don’t worry to all the players who shoot below par every week we are not adding strokes. There will also be at least one ctp per week and an ace fund. The first three weeks we will be paying out two pools an and b payouts will be determined on amount of players and discussed at event. After week three when handicaps are in play there will also be a hot round payout, so let’s say you shoot the best score of the night and get beat by a handicapped score…….we got you and you’ll be taking home some cash. It’s 10 to play with an additional dollar for ace and one dollar for ctp Also Medina tags will be in play and if you bring your tag and put it in play you will save a dollar for club fee. so the brake down will be
9 dollar payout
1 dollar Medina disc golf club
1 ace
1 ctp
12 gets you all in and a chance to win a bunch of cash and discs
We hope to see everyone out any questions message myself or Aaron snanigan
Side note lay out will be the same every week thanks
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