Ace pool
as of September 8This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
About this League
Doubles league - 61 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Random Doubles format. We will be pulling cards to designate partners and starting holes. Winners get paid at the following round.
<20 players= 1st Place Payout
>20 players= 1st and 2nd Place Payout 70/30
>30 players= 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Payout 65/25/10
Anne Hyzer's
Third Wave Coffee
Sundae Drive Ice Cream Shop
20% of all entry fee's go to MDGE. CTP's and Long-Putt's available for free and a 50/50 CTP and ACE Pot will be available ...
continue reading ›Random Doubles format. We will be pulling cards to designate partners and starting holes. Winners get paid at the following round.
<20 players= 1st Place Payout
>20 players= 1st and 2nd Place Payout 70/30
>30 players= 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Payout 65/25/10
Anne Hyzer's
Third Wave Coffee
Sundae Drive Ice Cream Shop
20% of all entry fee's go to MDGE. CTP's and Long-Putt's available for free and a 50/50 CTP and ACE Pot will be available for $1.00 each per week. MDGE Members will receive one free week (JUST ENTRY FEE). This league is designed to be a casual/friendly format. Weekly winners with no final scoring and no end of the season party. Essentially just a way to get people together and maybe win some stuff. Take the uber-competitive nature elsewhere. Disc on!
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