Detroit Disc Golf
Bag Tag league
Tag | Player |
#1 | Mark Kassabian |
#2 | Ted Stoebling |
#3 | Ken Mango |
#4 | Brett Uphaus |
#5 | Jay NA |
#6 | Mike NA |
#7 | Dwayne Kay |
#8 | Jeremy NA |
#9 | Scott White |
#10 | Matt Kora |
Plastic bag tags have been ordered and will hopefully arrive this week!
The tag holders are posted in the new leader boards. We are ordering the club brag tags but until they arrive use the scene as we will be running the tag standings here. Thank you for your club donations allowing us to get brag tags!
Brag Tags will begin at first scheduled league day with first come lowest number handed out. You may join the brag tag program any week of there year for only $5. The brag tag holders will be competing over the corse of the year to try and achieve the lowest number. At the end of the year plenty of prizes will be awarded to the lowest brag tag holders.
sweet i might tyr to get 24 chains to come join u guys for ur frist round..
As brag tag holders finish they me be placed on a dream team to compete in a US vs CAN players cup event.