Crane Creek Tuesday Handicap Singles

March - December 2013 • Rohnert Park, California
Singles league

Ace pool

as of August 13
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Dec 14, 2013 · Top scores
Crane Creek Regional Park
Steve Werner Memorial Course
Regular tees, 18 holes
A Pool
-14 40
Justin Wilson$10
-14 40
Devon Kreygenhagen$10
-10 44
Brad Cameron$12
B Pool
-5 49
Wade Johnson$40
-8 46
Jason Hale
-2 52
Zac Mitchell
-5 49
Josh Sommers
-7 47
Adrian Cormier
C Pool
-9 45
Frank Villas$25
+1 55
Gus Gustin
-5 49
Ernie Ahnmasn
Overall standings
A Pool
1Lewis Bitney33
2Roger Cansler24
3Devon Kreygenhagen19
B Pool
1Josh Sommers33
2Ryan Gardin21
3Tony Gardin19
3Richard Throop19
3Rich Lopez19
C Pool
1Frank Villas21
2Gus Gustin17
3Josh Mathieson12
3Ernie Ahnmasn12
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 12/19/13

About this League

Singles league - 110 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
This league will end it's Summer Session on October 5, 2011. The Winter session will begin October 12, 2013 as a Handicap Singles/Bag Tag League under separate listing. Effective May 21st, this will be a PDGA sanctioned league. This is a handicapped league, with three weeks participation required to establish handicap. Until handicap is established player is not eligible to win the handicapped payout but is eligible to win the best round (raw score) and Ace Pool. To calculate ha ...
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League News

Edna Houston   December 20, 2013 at 3:38am


Congratulation to James Swinger for his Ace on hole 16 on December 14, the Last regular day of the 2013 Handicap League. Swinger earned 250.00 for that Ace. The Crane Creek Ace was just like the rain frequency here in Northern California, we hadn't seen anything significant since April! Don't worry...we still have two pools left.


Edna Houston   November 25, 2013 at 1:29pm

Contratulations to the 11/23 Winners

Congrats to winners at Crane Creek League on Saturday. Bill Christmas and Kevin Throop tied with the Hot Round and split $30. Adrian Cormier took 1st place and won $47. Josh Sommers went away with $25 for his 2nd place showing and Thaddeus Maximus had to fight it out for his $12 3rd place showing. Still no ace! (And the Ace Pool keeps on going, and going, and...) No meet next Saturday due to the Turkey Shoot.

Bill Christmas and Adrien.....if you are coming to the Turkey Shoot, I will have your $$ there.


Edna Houston   November 23, 2013 at 7:07am

League News

There will be the regular weekly events at Crane Creek this Saturday, the 23rd. But there will be NO weekly events on the Saturday after Thanksgiving due to The Turkey Shoot doubles tournament.


Edna Houston   November 12, 2013 at 4:05pm


Congratulations to the November 9th winners. Devon Kregenhagen threw the Hot Round with a score of 47. First place among the Handicap winners went to Zack Mitchell and we had a tie for second place. Audrey Goetz and James Swinger both scored at 48. Congrats, all!


Edna Houston   October 1, 2013 at 12:10pm

Congratulation to the Winners

Congratulation to the Winners

Saturday's Handicap singles league had an attendence of
only 20 participants, somewhat lower than the usual 30 to
35 we normally get. This is probable due to changing the
day and time for the Winter session. We are hopeful that
our regulars will find us before long.

The winners for Saturday 28th were:
Lewis Bitney Hot Round @ 46 for $20 and bag tag 3
Ernie Ahnmasn First @ 44 for $30
Frank Villas Second @ 46 for $20 (won the playoff
To ... more


Edna Houston   August 25, 2013 at 5:48am

August 20th at The Creek

Congratulations to the winners at Crane Creek's Tuesday Singles League.

The "Hot Round" purse of $35 and the coveted #1 Bag Tag went to Justin Wilson for his 43. First place among the handicap players went to Thaddeus R. along with a purse of $57. See what a handicap can do? We had a tie for second place so Matt Throop and Lucky each took home $24. It was a tough day at the Creek with some unusual wind patterns and poor air quality but we still had 35 participants trying v ... more


Edna Houston   August 13, 2013 at 12:27pm

August 6th at the Creek

Congratulations to the winners at the Tuesday Night League. Justin Wilson had the Hot Round and took home $27 and the coveted #1 bag tag. Among handicap scores: Devon Kreyenhagen took first and a payout of $34, Second place purse of $27 went to Stephen Garner and Warren McCormick took home $15 for his third place effort.


Edna Houston   July 30, 2013 at 1:52am

Final Session Starting

The final 10 week session of the league for the year begins on Tuesday July 30th. Due to the fact that the park closes at sunset, the league goes on hiatus during the winter months. Unless we decide to move it to another day...hummm....


Edna Houston   July 19, 2013 at 12:23am

July 16 Results

Congratulations to everyone who turned out for the weekly Singles Handicap League. We had 27 players this week, which is a new high for us and pretty darned good for a weekday league! Our Hot Round winner was a visiting player, Adam Toll who took home $27 for his 45 round. First place for handicapped players went to Tony Gardin, who declined the first place purse, saying that his handicap is so out of line right now (his is just settling down now) that he would take the third place purse this ... more


Edna Houston   July 11, 2013 at 1:27am

July 9th Handicap League News

Congratulations to the winners i the July 9th Match.

The Hot Round Purse (Raw Score)of $17 was taken by Roger Cansler who also took home Bag Tag 4.
First Place (handicapped) purse of $26 went to Tony Gardin.
Second Place (handicapped) purse of $17 went to Ken Pascoe
Third Play (handicapped) purse of $8 was a three way tie between Steve Degard, Ryan Gardin and Matt Throop. Ryan took it on the throw-off.
The CTP on Hole 7 went to Roger Cansler with his 7.5 foot throw.


Edna Houston   July 5, 2013 at 5:34am

Crane Creek News

Congratulations to the winners in this week’s Tuesday Handicap League. The best round (raw score) went to Roger Cansler who took home $23 for his 47. The top handicapped score went to Josh Sommers (47) along with $35. Second place went to Nick Shaw (50) along with $23 and Third place went to Raul Negrete (51) for $12. Raul left without his winnings and we are holding it for him. CTP on hole 18 went to Jake Schultz.

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