Alaska PDGA Winter Series #18

February - April 2023 • Anchorage, Alaska
PDGA-sanctioned singles league

Ace pool

as of April 17
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.
PDGA results February 4 - April 15


Apr 15, 2023 · Top scores
Davis Park
Davis Winter 22-23, 1 holes
A Pool
-8 48
Oliver Salem$18.50
-8 48
James Beckner$18.50
-5 51
Murphy Dykstra$8.50
-5 51
Scott Groves$8.50
B Pool
-4 52
Robert Johnson$17
-3 53
Samm Peterson$10.50
-2 54
James Robinson
C Pool
+6 62
Tyler Pohler$11
+8 64
Jeremy Lukas
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 4/17/23

About this League

Singles league - 46 all-time players - 0 active players
$8.00 player fee each session
Please read! Everyone following the rules below will make things run much more smoothly. I've tried to put the rules in order of importance: 1. $8 for ADGA members, $11 for non-members. Pay (at)joseph-caissie on Venmo, or my email is [email protected] for Paypal. Use "Friends and Family" so that neither of us has to pay a fee. 2. Let me know you're coming by the Friday evening before the round, if you can. I may be able to get latecomers in on Saturday morning, but no ...
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League News

Joe Caissie   April 14, 2023 at 9:04pm

Week 10 - Davis Park

Hi, folks, I'm traveling, so I'm a little behind on getting scores posted and payouts...those should be coming at some point tonight or this weekend. But we will be having our final week of leagues tomorrow. Hopefully the teepads are still clear. I'm thinking just regular Reds and Blues, once each, for the finale. Get your money in and I'll get you signed up!

I'm normally thinking about starting the summer sanctioned singles up at this point, on Tuesday evenings, but I'm going to wait until the snow is probably all gone - I'm guessing May 2 at the earliest for the first day of league.


Joe Caissie   April 8, 2023 at 3:18pm

Week 9 - Westchester Lagoon

I'm not going to be out there, so it's going to be up to you folks to clear the pads - if you can see this, bring a broom...looks like we did get that snow overnight and this morning!


Joe Caissie   April 6, 2023 at 8:13pm

Week 9 - Westchester Lagoon

Payouts for Week 8 are out, AND I did my taxes!

Week 8 was rough - I think we'll still play the Blues week 10, but only the normal number of times. Sorry to put you all through that.

I may or may not be playing week 9, since I have a flight out at 3pm. Hope to get a big crowd out there, though - ace pot is getting juicy again!


Joe Caissie   March 30, 2023 at 7:17am

Week 8 - We've Got The Blues (Davis)

I'm doing a Succession rewatch so I'm keenly aware of how being the big billionaire in charge of everything makes people tell you what you want to hear. But that said, I've had nothing but positive feedback from people when I talked about doing Blues 2X on Saturday. So that's what's about to happen. Get ready to have Blue yourself.

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Dave Griffin   March 31, 2023 at 8:50pm

So two rounds of blues?

Joe Caissie   March 31, 2023 at 9:31pm


Chad Rutledge   April 5, 2023 at 5:17am

Sensible Chuckle into slow golf clapping

Joe Caissie   March 28, 2023 at 9:51pm

Week 8 - Davis Park (ALL of Davis Park)

Finally! Thanks to some mysterious benefactor, it looks like all or most of the Blue pads have been cleaned off! We will be playing both Reds and Blues this week - although I'm kind of tempted to play Blues 2X just to balance things out.

Just posted Week 7 scores and payouts, cash should be going out in the next couple of days - nice to see the ace pot up above $100 again, so we'll be over $50 payout for the next ace already!

Jeremy Boyd   March 28, 2023 at 10:04pm

A few benefactors...the snow is still pretty deep off the blues but we threw them yesterday

Joe Caissie   March 24, 2023 at 4:28pm

Week 7 - Westchester Lagoon

Just posted scores from Week 6; payouts should go out this afternoon at some point. A note - PLEASE let me know if you're not going to show up. If you just no-show, I'm keeping your money. Or, more accurately, whatever pool you'd have played in, the ace pot, the PDGA, and the club, are keeping your money.

Week 7 is Westchester Lagoon - get your money in if you're playing!


Joe Caissie   March 18, 2023 at 12:10am

Week 6 - Davis Reds 2X

Hey, folks - get your money in, and then get your ass down to Davis tomorrow! Let me know if you find any of the 87 discs I lost out there on Wednesday.


Joe Caissie   March 13, 2023 at 5:07pm

Week 6 - For Reals

Week 6 is at Davis this time, still Reds 2X. I'm going to try and keep us on the same schedule as Wednesday Night Lights.


Joe Caissie   March 8, 2023 at 10:30pm


Hi; I just contacted PDGA and we can't actually hold league on the wrong day of the we're just going to extent this league out to April 15...there will still be 10 league rounds, just spaced over 11 weeks.

If you want some disc golf this weekend, get your ass signed up for the Ice Bowl!

(Also, week 5 payouts are out now)


Joe Caissie   March 3, 2023 at 5:53pm

Week 5 - Davis Park Reds

Payouts for week 4 are out now, and I'm finally going to get to play a league! Time to get your money in and let me know if you're coming!


Joe Caissie   February 28, 2023 at 5:12pm

Week 4 mini-recap/admin

I just got back from Vegas so a little late on this - scores and payout should be posted.

1. Congrats to Frank Costales for hitting an ace, second week in a row for the league, after a long drought! A reminder of how the ace pot works: if it's less than $50, you get all of it, if it's between $50-100, you get $50, and if it's more than $100, you get half of it. That way Frank doesn't get screwed by Morgan hitting an ace in week 3 - still gets a healthy payout.

2 ... more


Joe Caissie   February 25, 2023 at 1:04am

Week 4 - Westchester Lagoon

Get your money in if you're playing tomorrow! I hope to be done with my LVC round before 11 Alaska time, so I should be able to squeeze you in late, but I'd rather just do it tonight - I only have 7 people so far.


Joe Caissie   February 23, 2023 at 7:57pm

Week 4 - Westchester Lagoon

Hi, folks - just paid out Week 3, including $86 to Morgan for his ace on hole 1 last week!

That means it's time to get money in for Week 4, which will be at Westchester Lagoon. I'm not around, and Boyd is out, so someone else is going to have to make sure that the pads are cleaned up - I hear we got a little more snow recently.


Joe Caissie   February 18, 2023 at 2:58am

Week 3 - Davis Park Reds

Hi, folks - I'm going to be playing a round tomorrow morning so get yourself signed up right now if you can. It's going to be Davis Park again this week, but Reds 2X. Thanks to Boydo and any others who helped clean off the Reds, but I hear there's some snow happening right now, and also possibly tomorrow, so if you can, bring some brooms so you can sweep while you play.


Joe Caissie   February 13, 2023 at 2:41am

Week 3 announcement

Hi, folks - we've fallen out of sync with the glow league schedule, so Week 3 is going to flip-flop with Week 4 and be at Davis again, so we can take advantage of the glow league teepad cleanups.

Taking feedback though: how was yesterday? I really like playing the reds AND the blues, but I had feedback from a few people, and my own legs, that yesterday was a SLOG. Even if we could get the Blues shoveled, maybe we should just play reds for the rest of the winter, given the 80-90 inch ... more

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Jeremy Boyd   February 14, 2023 at 8:34pm

The blue tees haven't gotten much play this winter because it took the few of us a good while to dig out from the triple storm back in December. Keeping the reds clear for leagues was challenging enough. I'd have played them more myself had things been different.

James Beckner   February 15, 2023 at 1:51am

I enjoy the difficulty of blues. Vote to keep them included.

Jeremy Boyd   February 15, 2023 at 11:55pm

The reds took 6 hours to clear. I'm game to play blues if you want to get out there and clear them

Joe Caissie   February 11, 2023 at 3:37am

Week 2 - Davis Park

Get your money in tonight if you can! Boyd, Beckner, and I have the tees looking really good right now - a request, though, to bring out some brooms for tomorrow - it's supposed to be a bit breezy tonight so the pads will probably need a quick sweep tomorrow morning. Also, PLEASE do not walk on the pads other than when it's your turn to throw. There are these beautiful shoveled paths around the pads for you to walk in.

Finally, for the love of god, use spotters tomorrow!

Jeremy Boyd   February 11, 2023 at 5:17am

spotting is better than searching

Joe Caissie   February 8, 2023 at 10:14pm

Week 2 - Davis Park

Just posted this week's scores - payouts coming soon.

We're gonna play Davis in week 2 - it'd be great if people could help out with the shoveling...there's a solid hour or so of daylight now after normal working hours end!

Jeremy Boyd   February 8, 2023 at 10:40pm

I shovel in the dark, I ain't scurred : )

Jeremy Boyd   February 8, 2023 at 10:42pm

The reds were done Sunday but we obviously have more snow. James and I dug out all the blues yesterday so they shouldn't require too much additional work.

Jeremy Boyd   February 9, 2023 at 3:08pm

Wait a sec, we PLAY in the dark too ; )

Joe Caissie   February 4, 2023 at 8:22am

Week 1 - Westchester

Just a reminder to get your money in ASAP if you're playing! And another reminder that we're at Westchester this week - a couple people thought we might be at Davis, so make sure you show up in the right place!


Joe Caissie   January 31, 2023 at 8:39pm

Week 1 - Westchester Lagoon

Hi, folks - I'll be getting the PDGA sanctioning up and running soon enough, but in the meantime get your money in for Week 1!

A reminder, if you haven't renewed ADGA membership yet, you need to send me $11. If you WANT to renew, you can send me $38 and I'll get you renewed. If you have never been an ADGA member but you'd like to start paying $8 instead of $11, you can send me $48 and I'll get you signed up. So many options!

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Jeremy Boyd   February 1, 2023 at 8:27pm

Actually, $30 and $40. If you do it on the scene we have it set so that once you pay the fees your total will be $30 for renewal or $40 for a new membership.

Joe Caissie   February 1, 2023 at 10:29pm

Ha, I was including the weekly entry fee. That could be confusing, I guess. If you want to sign up and not play this week, yes, $30 or $40 would be the amount.

Jeremy Boyd   February 2, 2023 at 12:14am

Ahh, I gotcha

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