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John Kielb February 13, 2012 at 11:16pm
I've seen throws ricochet off trees and get close to the property line, so it's clearly possible. I haven't encountered any neighbor's yet.
Jay Ducharme February 11, 2012 at 5:16am
The administration at HCC has received complaints from neighbors that disc golfers have been entering their backyards. I assume that would be on hole 7. I find this odd, since the fairway is a good 50-100 feet from the property line and is lined with trees. But I guess a bad throw could conceivably knock a disc into a neighbor's yard.
If you have had that problem, or know someone who has, let me know. I might have to move the fairway further west.
Jay Ducharme November 27, 2010 at 5:41am
There are scorecards available online (http://hccdiscgolf.karenandjay.com). You can also pick one up in the Bartley Center when it's open. All holes are par 3 except for holes 8 and 11, which are par 4.
Erica Johnson November 3, 2010 at 12:06am
accidently left one of my discs at hcc on hole 18. if anyone finds it I would much appreciate it back. - blue breeze with inner rim colored navy blue. (not expecting to ever see it again, but if so, that would be great) -thanks!
Steven Marcil August 10, 2010 at 2:44am
Are there scorecards for HCC Disc Golf Course? And are all disc golf courses Par 3's? or do they vary?
I can understand that, John. I'm curious if anyone has ricocheted a disc INTO a neighbor's yard. If it's on our property (west of the stone fence), then we're okay. If discs regularly land in their backyards, then we'll most likely have to move the fairway.