Hellfire Disc Golf Club
Home courses
Sterling, CO
Recent News
Gary Mustard March 15, 2019 at 5:35pm
2019 Bag Tag League
This year League standings will be posted here on discgolfscene. Register with your email address and link your accounts...
Gary Mustard March 15, 2019 at 5:33pm
Hellfire Disc Golf Club 2019 Bag Tags
Hellfire DGC is back for 2019 with the best tags to date... Come on out Sunday mornings till April, 9-9:30 am check in, tee off at 10 am... Current ACE pot $150 capped x 3... Birdie pot is back for another year, think you can hit 5 birdies in a row during league? Come on out and have a chance at either ACE pot or BIRDIE pot. MUST be current Hellfire DGC tag holder to play ACE or BIRDIE pots... Join us, $10 gets you this years tag. Current course RECORD 45.... Think you can beat it...?
Gary Mustard March 27, 2018 at 2:46am
Hellfire 2018 Bag Tags
Hellfire disc golf club offers 2 league days a week. We are currently issuing bag tags in first come first serve basis. We have 32 tags available. Cost is $10 for a tag. Leagues are held on Wednesday at 530pm and sundays at 1pm... ace pot is capped at $150 we also offer a birdie run pot.currentlyat $0. Must have a current 2018 Hellfire Bag Tag to be eligible for either ace or birdie pot..... we still have wizards for sale... $10 various blends.... think you can beat our best guys,????? Current course record on current and permant layout. 47 .... :)
[email redacted]