Summer League to start at Hammond Hill in Hastings
Thursday mornings. Tee times are 9-9:45 @ Hammond Hill. No league fee. $5 per round includes ace pool and weekly 50/50. Weekly prizes/ctp's.
Start May 8th, End August 14th. (14 weeks total) No league July 4th week. Hi-Lo average doubles at end of league. Playing for all remaining $ not paid out. There will be 100% payout of $ taken in.
See you at the course.
Brian Carroll April 6, 2014 at 5:45pm
Summer League to start at Hammond Hill in Hastings
Thursday mornings. Tee times are 9-9:45 @ Hammond Hill. No league fee. $5 per round includes ace pool and weekly 50/50. Weekly prizes/ctp's.
Start May 8th, End August 14th. (14 weeks total) No league July 4th week. Hi-Lo average doubles at end of league. Playing for all remaining $ not paid out. There will be 100% payout of $ taken in.
See you at the course.