fundraiser for the GBO trip! lot of discs and some rare discs! team stamp discs.

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Hello everyone! Thank you for looking! Im selling my discs for fundraiser of my GBO trip on april 28 to may 3rd. My mom and brother will be going with us. It would be great if you guys helped us out! If you think the prices of the discs are too high, let me know!! We can make deal! :-) paypal are fine and shipping money are fine.

First picture! (Left to right, upper first)
- CFR Glow Ch Beast 10/10 weight: 175. ($15)
- Ice Bowl stamp Nuke Z 10/10 weight: 174. ($15)
- CFR Ch Glow Boss 10/10 weight: 172. ($15)
- Ch Wraith 8/10 has ink on the back. 175 ($10)
- Preflight number Ch Beast barry schultz 175 8/10 ($15)

Second picture (same row)
- ace race 2014 HEAT pearl 166 10/10 ($??)
- D4 350rx 7/10 148 has ink on the rim. ($5)
- preflight number Ch. Monster 6/10 168 has lot of ink. ($10)
- first run ch. Mamba 172 10/10 **SOLD**

Thrid picture same row
- preflight number star roadrunner 175 8/10 has ink on the back. ($??)
- ch. Sidewinder pearl 7-8/10 170 has ink on the back. ($14)
- force sparkle 172 10/10 ($20)
- D1 jp-g 158 9/10 field tested. ($??)

Fourth picture
-ch. Beast 172 7/10 has ink on the back. ($12)
- star sl 175 7/10 has ink on the back. ($12)
- star sl 175 8/10 has ink on the back. ($13)
- 750 X1 173 10/10 ($15)

Fifth picture same row
- team stamp air force star lite teebird 150 8/10 ($?)
- ch. Leopard sparkle 162 8/10 ($13)
-gstar teebird am world stamp 170 10/10 ($15)
-ch. Teebird 172 10/10 ($14)
Team stamp air force ch. Teebird 167 10/10 ($?)

Last picture same row
- jbird stamp buzzz os pearl 177 10/10 ($?)
- ch. Coyote preflight number 169 7/10 ($?)
-Cryztal z wasp limited edition 166 10/10 ($15)
- first run buzzz os pearl 7/10 174 ($12)
- ch. Roc3 168 7/10 **SOLD**
- ch. Roc3 166 7/10 **SOLD**

I also have 400 pa1, i have picture of it. Let me know if you want it.
Thank you for looking it! Theres some not price yet, then you name the price! :) thanks
brian g   April 5, 2015 at 5:44pm

thanks for the bbroc3s! have a great trip!

Kaylee Campbell   April 5, 2015 at 6:43pm

thank you! :)

Scott Button   April 5, 2015 at 6:46pm

if the blue TB has patent numbers. I'll take it.

Nate Upton   April 5, 2015 at 9:17pm

Kaylee, I would like that proto Mamba, lost mine at Sleepy Hollow.

Kaylee Campbell   April 6, 2015 at 8:52am

Scott, no there's no patent numbers, just stamp. sorry :(

Kaylee Campbell   April 6, 2015 at 8:53am

Nate, okay! I will pm you!

jamie kiep   April 7, 2015 at 6:10pm

i want the d4

Chris Lozen   April 9, 2015 at 8:13pm

I might be interested in the 400 Pa1 if you can send me a pic and let me know the weight

Kaylee Campbell   April 10, 2015 at 4:20pm

ok, what's your email? and its 173

Chris Lozen   April 12, 2015 at 7:03pm

[email redacted]

Troy Renault   April 21, 2015 at 8:43pm

let me know if the teebirds and crystal wasp are still available

Kaylee Campbell   April 22, 2015 at 7:36pm

i still have star lite teebird and champion teebird left