top row left to right: Proto Blueberry Champion Edition Valkyrie 7.5/10 167g, 3rd Run Orange Champion Edition Teebird-L 175g 7/10, 3rd run Champion Edition Blue teal Valkyrie 174g 7/10, 2nd Run Champion Edition Yellow day glow Eagle-X 6/10 due to one nasty gouge
2nd row left to right: 1st Run Champion Edition Red Firebird-L 172g 8/10, 1st Run Champion Edition Red Leopard 174g 7/10, 4th Run Champion Edition Red Valkyrie 170g 7/10, Final Run Champion Edition Green Valkyrie 167g 7/10
3rd row left to right: 11x champion Tye-dye Teebird Cal mold 170g 7/10, 11x champion Teebird Tye-dye Ca mold 175g 8/10, 11x champion yellow teebird Ca mold 170g 7/10, 11x champion green Teebird Cal mold 175g 7/10
4th row left to right: 10x kc pro teebird Tye-dye 173g 7/10, Special Edition Teebird-L white/ivory 173g 7/10, 2004 Worlds Super roc 179g 8/10, 11x kc pro whippet white 175g 8/10
barstamp disc next to whippet isnt for sale
all conditions are rated on the sleepy scale
Looking for 11x Kc pro teebirds or CE t mold teebirds or cash you may make offers for other trades however no low ball offers or trades
I have a 9x kc pro Circle stamp rock for the blueberry ce valkiery
what else do you have larry
would you do a pearly used champ orc and a 170 4-chain magnet for the tie-dye Cal mold TB ?
jon do you have that firebird still on your page
Mclane i might have an original barstamp buzzz laying around somewhere
How much for the CE teebird?
brian make an offer
What kinda trades are you looking for? I got a used 11x teebird and a PFN pearly Orc. Idk if that's something that might work
brian weight color condition of those discs
The 11x is a pale white kinda like glow color. It's a 6-7/10 and 175g. The Orc is pearly green with purple and blue swirl. weight is 175 and Id say it's a 8/10
blue valk how much
the 3rd one
ryan- nope that pearly firebird is gone however I do have another one. 170 8.5/10, and light brown/tan. I also have some old star destroyers I could trade. Pics coming
I have 2 pro firebird ,champ 11x eagle, a barstamp firebird
Pm me a number on the lot interested heavily
might take the buzzz if you can find it will pay 20 including shipping
I have a red 11x kc pro champion teebird and a 11x root beer color firebird. I'll trade for the CE firebird, CE leopard, and CE teebird.
jerimie i would like to see pics of the teebird not interested in the firebird tho
ok i will tomorrow
I have a used champ 11x cal mold teebird Id trade for the super roc
Do you still have Champion Edition disc left...and if so what do you have left...I have $..and a Bar stamped Buzz??
what r u looking to get for the 11x teebirds??? im interested in Anything CE too if theyre still available...
is the orange ce teebird still for sale? I would be interested
Hi Ryan - Do you still have the 11x KC tee bird available? I am interested.