I have lot innova, discraft, gateway, prodigy discs. I'm looking to sell or trade for the innova portable basket or westside black basket. The pictures-
Innova Star Discs
- PFN star xcaliber 7/10 unknown weight
- Star Tern 9/10 pro world 2013 stamp 168
- Star SL 7/10 175
- GStar Krait pearly 9/10 (ink on the back) 171
- Gstar Daedalus pearly 10/10 170
- 1st Run Star Katana pro world 2010 stamp 7/10 170
- Star SL 9/10 (ink on the back) 175
- Echo Star Boss 10/10 175
- Star Boss 6/10 168
-Star Teerex 9/10 (ink on the back) 171
- Gstar Teebird 10/10 170 (am world stamp)
- Star Atlas 8/10 172
- Star Mako 9/10 180 (red)
- Star Mako 9/10 180 (blue)
- Star Lycan 7/10 175
- Star Atlas 6/10 180
- Star Nova 9/10 175 (red&gold)
- Star Nova 9/10 175 (green&white)
Innova Champion Discs
- CFR Glow Ch. Beast 10/10 175
- CFR Glow Ch. Groove 9/10 (small ink) Disc golf cruise stamp 1.22-1.27 2011
- CFR Glow Ch. Boss 10/10 172
- PFN Ch. Monster 7/10 168
- Ch. Roadrunner 7/10 168 (DGGW stamp)
- PFN Ch. Beast 7/10 175 (no ink)
- PFN Ch. Boss 9/10 175
- Ch. Wraith 10/10 175
- Ch. Beast 8/10 172
- bubble Ch. blizzard Katana 10/10 160
- Ch. Beast 9/10 168 (domey)
- Metal Flake Ch. Mamba 10/10 150
- Ch. Sidewinder 9/10 171
- Second Run Ch. Katana 8/10 171 (Japan Open Disc Golf 2010 stamp)
- Ch. Sidewinder 7/10 170
- Metal Flake Ch.Tern 10/10 175
- PFN Ch. Teebird 12x Ken Climo signature 8/10 150 (gummy)
- Ch. Teebird 10/10 172 (SAND SLUG SLINGER stamp 2014)
- Ch. Leopard 9/10 172
- Metal Flake Ch. Leopard 10/10 162
- PFN Ch. Roc3 9/10 166
- Ch. Roc3 7/10 180
- F2 Factory Stamp Ch. Shark 8/10 due to the ink 169
- Metal Flake Ch. Gator 10/10 175
- PFN Ch. Roc3 9/10 168
- PFN Ch. Shark pearly 8/10 unknown weight
- Ch. Atlas 10/10 173
- Glow Ch. Gator 8/10 175
- PFN Glow Ch. Super Roc 5 or 6/10 180
Innova DX discs
- R-pro Boss 10/10 145 (red)
- **RARE** Super Roc 7/10 180 (2007 am worlds stamp)
- Flat Top Roc 9/10 175 (JBIRD stamp) yellow
- Roc 10/10 180 (DGGW stamp 2014) orange
- Roc 10/10 180 (turtle stamp) yellow
- Flat top roc 10/10 177 (JBIRD stamp) blue
- white yeti pro aviar beat-up 171
- yellow yeti pro aviar beat-up 175
- black yeti pro aviar beat-up 170
- Aviar 10/10 175 (Southeastern amateur championship 2013 stamp) orange
- BB aviar 10/10 172 (Ice Bowl 2011, no whimps no whiners, 25 years of ice bowl stamp) yellow
- Mcpro Aviar 9/10 167 (back stamp back to back world champ)
- mcpro aviar 10/10 168 (America flag stamp)
Prodigy Discs
- JP-G X-outs D1 10/10 158
- 350rx D4 9/10 148
- 300 proto M5 8/10 179
- 300s Pa-1 10/10 170
- 350G Pa-3 6/10 172 (Sarah Hokom stamp)
Discraft Discs
- Zone ESP 10/10 173
- Z Cryztal Wasp limited edition 10/10 166
- 1st run pearl buzzz os 10/10 174
- 1st run buzzz os 10/10 177+
- Buzzz max weight 10/10 (JBIRD STAMP)
- Buzzz max weight 10/10 (JBIRD STAMP)
DGA discs
- PROLINE Torrent 10/10 174
Gateway Discs
- Element evolution 10/10 180
do you have a pfn xcaliber? even though i dont have a basket it would be money towards one!
Yes I do. It's star xcaliber, I don't know what's weight. But theres no ink. Send me your email address, I'll send you pictures
you have any buzzzes any type
Yes I do. I have buzzz os and buzzz jbird stamp.
Can you send better pics of the Jbird stamped buzzz? [email redacted] or 952-two one two-1372. Thanks
Saw an Orange Innova Champion Shark on your profile. If for sale / trade what is the condition, weight, and price?
8/10 because there's some scruff on the rim. There was a ink on the back but I wiped it off. Can't see the ink anymore. Unknown weight. And make your offer.
Prefer to trade, to be honest. I am gernerally more willing to part with plastic than with cash. My trades are here: http://www.discgolfscene.com/trading_post/member/34359/jerimiah-m. Willing to go 2-for-1.Otherwise, I can offer $12 for oop that I intend to throw and won't be able to easily replace. :-)
Haha well, what would two discs that people would buy?
Just updated, and i listed all of the discs including the weight.
Ok for the - Z Cryztal Wasp limited edition 10/10 166 What would you want for it?
Boss,starfire,teebird3,krait,destroyer,D2, and champion roc3
make a offer! :)
whats weight? but no d2
For what disc?
whats plastic for boss, teebird3, krait, destoryer, and starfire
Star boss 150g 6/10 heavily inked and used, pro boss 170g 8/10 minor wear and light ink, Pro starfire 170g tie dye 8/10, Teebird3 glow in the dark 175g new 9.5/10, Blizzard champion destroyer 142g new 9.5/10, blizzard champion krait unknown weight 8.5/10
I would like to get a Metal Flake Ch.Tern 10/10 175