Trading for
11x kc pro teebirds and other cool innova oops or sick teebirds
top row left to right 1st run C.E. Leopard 174g 7/10 do to fading stamp and lots of ink, Pro stamped CE firebird fingerprinty awesome 169g 7/10, prototype firebird 174g 6/10, 11x kc pro whippet scaled 170g was marked 175g 8/10 fading stamp
2nd row 11x champion eagle beautiful dye looks black in center but it is really green 170g 8.5/10, Big bird Roc 3 165g 8/10 due to slightly fading stamp, star monster 168g 7/10, 11x champion teebird 175g 7/10 ink on back of flight plate.
3rd row 11x champion Eagle 175g 6.5/10 due to ink on flight plate, Super roc 2003 179g 7/10, DX goblin 148g of pure awesome 7/10, fingerprinty pro shark 180 never been thrown.
make offer if interested
how much for the ce leopard and ce firebird
i would trade a gstar first run tl3 with a rainbow stamp and a neat fly dye champ teebird for that pro firebird
pm sent
jerimie make an offer
johnnie no thanks
would you trade the pro firebird for 11x champ aviar?
do you have any kc pro teebirds
ill give u forty for the 11x teebird and 11xeagle
What are you wanting for the pro shark?
Trades for Bb roc?
Do you still have the Leopard??
Or the Super Roc??
Whippet...any Trade??....I have some Great Disc...oopp Putters...Keen Boss..Trilogy....
i have everything in the pic
Any word on that pro shark?
$20 shipped on po shark
Do you still have the pro stamped CE Firebird?
Can you hold it til the 1st, send me your PayPal info. PayPal friends and family if you can wait.
I want the firebird....whippet....super roc....Big Bird...and 11x treebird....How Much?????? Cash do you want??
if the super roc is still available and has no ink, lets make a deal. ill pay 25