Looking for MVP/Axiom (12 Discs for Trade)

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688 views   All posts by Alex Davis
Trading for
Axiom Envy
Axiom Alias
Axiom Crave
MVP Anode
MVP Tensor
MVP Volt
* Orange 175 Champ Boss 8/10

* Blue 136 Bliz Krait 9/10

* Red 175 Flake Champ Sidewinder 10/10

* Yellow 178 Prodigy M5 8/10

* Orange 177 Evolution Illusion 8/10

* White 168 Gold Fury 7/10

* Blue 175 Gold Halo 8/10

* Purple 168 Z Crank (First Run) 9.5/10

* Blue/Orange edges 172f Ridge 8/10

* Blue/Splashed edge 170f Sole 8/10

* Black 175 RFF Wizard 10/10
dan wu   September 2, 2014 at 9:09am

i have a dark blue MVP anode, probably 7.5/10, would you be interested

Alex Davis   September 2, 2014 at 10:12am

What plastic is it?

Jerimiah M.   September 2, 2014 at 10:34am

Interested in the Halo. Have a 175g Neon Yellow Neutron MVP Vector for trade. Pics here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B15_bHJazwwJN29Vb2pjNEo5MFk&usp=sharing PM if interested (all discs pictured are for trade).

Alex Davis   September 2, 2014 at 7:27pm

The halo has been traded sorry

Thomas Roc   November 16, 2014 at 4:09pm

Would you want a red-rim 1776 Inspire?

Cody Peckham   October 31, 2016 at 9:21am

you still have the ridge

Cody Peckham   October 31, 2016 at 9:21am

if so could i get a pic of the back