Looking for price check and offers on the following discs:
PFN star Firebird 8/10, small ink(name and price)
PFN Pearly Orc 8/10
Bar stamp Gator 7/10, one big nick in rim
Barstamp Banshee 7/10 road rash
Your right Sheldon, post updated.@Jon I have tried Dynamic and in fact throw a couple Truth's. fantastic disc but not interested in a trade at the moment. Thanks though.
i'll take that star firebird, i'll trade 2/3 discs for it. what are you looking for?
Really looking for Paypal offers at this time (I need tourney funds). I'll take a look though, what do you have for trades?
have you tried dynamic? i have a brand new dye max truth i'd trade
Your right Sheldon, post updated.@Jon I have tried Dynamic and in fact throw a couple Truth's. fantastic disc but not interested in a trade at the moment. Thanks though.