Trading for
Lucid Trespass
Have a Z Nuke, Pinnacle Rival, and 180g Champion Roc for trades. Looking for Dynamic Discs or Latitude for trades. Specifically Lucid Trespass but pretty open shoot me an offer. Willing to do 2-1 trades. I don't have exact weights on the Nuke or Rival but would say they're 170+, the Roc is a 180g. All are used but in very solid condition 7.5-8/10.
i like the rival, but do you have anything else for trade? i got a oarnge lucid tresspass
any particular disc youre looking for ? i have a champ katana, star roadrunner, z stalker, a couple of pro starfires, mvp anode
whats weight and color of roadrunner
Would you be interested in a Biofuzion trespass, lucid escape or opto Stryker for the roc?
ah sorry man was really looking to get a lucid tresspass, sorry !
Cool man, if you change your mind let me know.
all right sounds good man
Would you take $10 for the rival?
really trying to get that trespass my friend
I have a lucid tresspass ill trade for the Roc3. I can upload a pic
@Jon sent you a pm
Rival still around?
ya man still got it
I have a gold line villian I could trade.
do you have anything opto you'd trade ? i prefer opto over GL
no opto, its the only lat 64 disc I own
i actually picked up a scythe so that would overlap anyway, have any westside or DD ?
Sorry bud, just tons of innova and discraft.
ah all right man let me know if you pick up any trilogy