Trading for
Shoot me offers looking for some farway drivers. A mako or mako 3 Other than that let me know what u have also looking for firebirds and teebirds
From left to right. Top row
Dx aviar 169 7/10
Super soft omega 166 (gone)
Star skeeter 177 9/10
Elite x stratus 7/10
2nd row
Helix 143 5/10
Recycled gold line river 166 9/10
Z xl 171 8/10
Champ valkrye 163 7.5/10
Third row
Barry shoults pre flight beast 175 6/10 due to ink
Preflight star valkrye 172 8/10
Champion groove 9.5/10
Mako 3 for the Xl
Do u have a pic weight and condition and ijustmight do that
To get ahold of me txt this number810-288-9942 and say what disc u want and ill know
I sent text let me know if you got it
what disc are u wanting adam
Star Valk. Is it a plus mold?
how much for the river?
Wat u have to offer
u still have the aviar
is it a san marino mold ?
I have a san marino stingray but I will never trade it cus it is an amazing disc