Trading for
z or big z buzz, wasps, surges, discraft fairways (NO 2012 zombies or ti mantices) will take other offers
All discs have ink on them some more then others.
left to right
pro d banger gt 6/10 170-172
first run drone 9/10 175-176
cfr glo whippet 9/10 175
pre flight champ wraith 6/10 170
2nd row
pro d banger gt 6/10 170-172
pre flight champ aviar 8/10 168
nuke ss 9/10 170
mace 9.5/10 169
bottom row
x-out star tee bird 9.5/10 158
Preflight star shark 9.5/10 180
Do you want cash for mace? Only thing I have for trade is a Discraft Pulse or Innova Champ Rhyno.
Sure I am happy with 13 good for you
what fairways does discraft have other than the mantis?
Cyclone Xpress impact traker Xl xs wildcat
how much for the nuke
I have a super beat elite z buzz that I'd trade for the teebird
what about a cryztal buzz ss for the tee bird
Matt what weight and a pic please 561-307-0937
U still have the mace?