New shipments (prodigy, discraft, innova, gateway, Gstars, star)

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343 views   All posts by Kaylee Campbell
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Trying to help Jbird tournaments.
Here's the link that would show you guys the picture of the discs.

•First picture (Gstars)
- Valkyrie (172) $16 10/10
- Beast (175) $16 10/10
- Boss (170) $16 10/10
- Wraith (171) $16 10/10
-Roc3 (177) $16 10/10

•Second picture (prodigy)
- 300s Pa-1 (170) $13 10/10
- Black Ace stamp 300s Pa-1 (173) $13
- 300s Pa-4 (170) $13
- 400s m3 (173) $16
- 400 F3 (174) $15
- F1 proto (176) $15
- 400s D1 (172) $17
- 400s D1 (171) $17
- 400s D1 (173) $17
- 400s D2 (172) $17
- 400s D2 (173) $17
- 400s D2 (173) $17
- 400s D3 (173) $17
- 400s D3 (173) $17

• Third picture (Gateway)
- SS wizard (172) $13
- SS magic (175) $13

• Fourth picture (Star)
- Star Boss (169) $16
- Star Destroyer Avery Jenkins 2009 (175) $16
- Star Tern (175) $17
- Star TL (175) $17
- Star teeRex (175) $16
- Star teeRex (175) $16
- Star teeRex (175) $16
- Star teeRex (175) $16

• Fifth picture (innova, champion, blizzard)
- Champion Beast Barry Schultz 2x (175) $15
- Champion Valkyrie (175) $15
- Champion Destroyer (175) $15
- Champion Tern (166) $16
- Blizzard champion destroyer (unknown weight) $12
- Shark sparkle (180) $20
- Champion Firebird (172) $15
- Champion TL (167) $15
- Champion Teebird (170) $16

• Sixth picture (discraft, cryztal, glo)
- Jbird stamp Buzzz SS (177+) $15
- Dye color buzzz (177+) $15
- first run ESP crank (167-169) $12 7/10
- Zombee (173-174) *BEST OFFER MAY WIN*
- X- Avenger (170-172) $15
- X- Avenger (170-172) $15
- X- Avenger (170-172) $15
- X- Avenger (170-172) $15
- X- Avenger (167-169) $15
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (170-172) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Cryztal nuke OS sparkle (173-174) $20
- Glo nuke (173-174) $17
- Glo nuke SS (174) $17