the feds? I already sent a message to the admin lastnight letting them know about Bob Childers and how he is trying to run a scam. I actually purchased the glo and barstamp in this picture 2 weeks ago. How are the feds getting involved?
LOL...the feds are getting involved? Yeah right, I'm pretty sure they have bigger fish to fry. Plus with paypay friends n family, there isn't much they can do about it.
how much for the bar stamp and the glo?
$60 for the pair
could you send me a close up of each 734-330-8947
Let me give Brian first crack at it unless you want to outbid, Scott.
How much for the 10 year
25 Felix.
whats the tooling on the BS? just curious...
the feds? I already sent a message to the admin lastnight letting them know about Bob Childers and how he is trying to run a scam. I actually purchased the glo and barstamp in this picture 2 weeks ago. How are the feds getting involved?
LOL...the feds are getting involved? Yeah right, I'm pretty sure they have bigger fish to fry. Plus with paypay friends n family, there isn't much they can do about it.
sweet! either way the 10 year buzz is still available
Hey, is that 10 year still available?
yes ma'am
still looking for $25?
That'll work. You're local to Ann Arbor, no?
in Novi, which is close enough