Red QMS in flexible Quantum plastic by Millennium discs

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528 views   All posts by Jimmy 2 Shoes
Trading for
* Vibram-Lace or Obex * Warship, Northman or Giant in Tourney or VIP. * Secret Weapon, Flying Squirrel, Gamma Ray or Money by ABC discs. * Speed Demon, Warrior, Slayer, Magic, Wizard or Voodoo in flexible HPP evolution plastic by Gateway discs. * Beaver, Polar Bear, Moose, Swift Fox or Timberwolf from Daredevil Discs. * WARRIOR- but it's got to by HPP plastic,semi translucent and flexible. * Pretty much any disc in Discraft Cryztal FLX plastic. * Slaidi. * Anything that just came out or from a smaller company......
QMS in Millennium 's flexible Quantum plastic. Nice n gummy. One of the best plastics in my opinion.
Thomas Elm   January 22, 2015 at 3:42pm

still got this?