Riverdale Ring-a-Ding - A SLC Tunnel Runners XC-Tier Event

PDGA logoSaturday, March 26, 2022 at Riverpark disc golf course in Riverdale, Utah
XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Riverdale Ring-a-Ding - A SLC Tunnel Runners XC-Tier Event graphic


Club SecretaryNoel Covey
Club TreasurerCharlotte Christensen
Club PresidentNathan Paxman
Tournament DirectorElias McQuaid
Assistant Tournament DirectorCody West

About this tournament

Welcome to the Riverdale Ring-A-Ding! This is the 3rd events in our xc-tier point series. We will be traveling up north to play with our NUDGA friends for this event. We will be playing 22 holes at Riverpark dgc. This will be a preview of the what Riverpark will play as for the Spring Sling. Once you're signed up for this go register to play 3 great courses the following weekend.

Just like the first two events, our coveted division champion pins are up for grabs as well as points for the Tunnel Runner Club Point Series.


This is a member only event so if you have not yet joined for the year, you can do so as you sign up which will add a $20 fee and get you a Tunnel Runners tag which can be picked up when you check in. Check in 10 minutes before your tee time.

Happy Throwing!

Refund policy

Elias McQuaid is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/58290
1Mark Spicer5656$110
2Trevan Allison6363$69
3Jacob Klingelsmith6464$26
3Jacob McDaniel6464$26
5Michael Taylor6565
6Nick Lopez6666
7Milo Schee6868
1Brian Hancock6161$110
2Dan Valletta6262$69
3Brian Hansen6363$26
3Mark Kohut6363$26
5John Ashworth6565
6Dane Urry6868
6Jarred Neilson6868
1Brandon Gregersen6363$66
2Michael Whipple7171
1Ethan Walker6060
2Andrew Yale6060
3Elias McQuaid6161
4Alex Covey6262
4Jaron Robbins6262
6Aaron Taylor6565
6Brayden Lavadie6565
6Chaz Critchfield6565
6Tucker Anderson6565
10Andrew Russell6666
10Bill Razey6666
10Bryce Gruneich6666
10Erich Fabian6666
10Evan Robie6666
10Thomas Sautel6666
16Kevin Montgomery6767
16Luke S6767
18Steven Pugmire6868
19Andrew Wolfe6969
20Phillip White7070
21Cody West7171
22Benjamin Lemon7373
22Nathan Bohman7373
24Dylan Schimmel7676
25Josh Longoria7777
1John Matern6464
2Tom Sharrock6464
3Georgie ‘Nipples’ Collins6565
3Justin Beasley6565
3Keri Jackson6565
3Michael Eakett6565
7Marvin Atene6666
8Bryan Tanner6767
8Jonathan Price6767
8Tyler Beagley6767
11Charlotte Christensen6969
12James Smith7171
12John Ward7171
12Sean Kelley7171
15John Moreton7373
15Nathan Paxman7373
17Chris Light7474
18Russell Stout7575
19Ben Beagley7676
20Lindsay Lythgoe7777
21Robert Bullen8181
1John Paulson6767
2Thomas Kik6767
3Will Sinclair6969
4Brad Richter7070
5Damon Hullinger7171
6Andrew Jackson7373
6Brett Buttars7373
8Robert Bumgarner7474
9Thom Gover7676
10Cory Bentley8080
1Shawn Christophersen6060
2Brian Hartman6262
3Cameron Peterson6464
3Marcus Juarez6464
5Anthony Richter6565
5Dylan Utley6565
5Mark Allison6565
8Colby Christophersen6666
8Ollie Tanner6666
8Rudy Wolfsfeld6666
8Timothy Parker6666
12Chris Fox6767
12Joseph Guanajuato6767
12Matt Davis6767
15Scottie Duclos6868
15Taylor Banks6868
17Brian Barrow6969
17Patrick Flag Guy Christensen6969
17Ryan Ulch6969
17Shaun Bagley6969
21David Stutz7070
21Kevin Hoopes7070
21Riley Thurgood7070
24Andrew Hincks7272
24Devin Hill7272
26Daylen Bills7373
26Joshua Williams7373
26Justin Seeloff7373
26Michael Floyd7373
30Michael Dougherty7676
31Cole Robinson7777
31Dylan Stout7777
1Jaron Gold6565
2Allen Bley6666
3McKayden Hansen6767
4Jacob Cooper6969
4Jamison Pykles6969
4Rob Hansen6969
7stephen bux7070
8Alexander Walker7171
9Garrett Purvis7272
9Jake Maier7272
11Bryan Cook7373
11Eric Pollak7373
11Jared Shimanek7373
14Grant Weddle7474
14Sean Carroll7474
16Jeff Howard7676
16Zach Averill7676
18Greg Jenson7777
18Jacob Bonesteel7777
18John Gipson7777
21Dylan Shaffer7878
22Bryan Rees8080
23James Turner8181
24Kevin Woods8484
1Matthew Simons7171
2Camber Weiss7272
2Scott Wiggins7272
4David Aun7373
4Matthew M Davis7373
6Clinton Prince7676
6Johnny Crenshaw7676
8Daniel Hoyt7979
9Porter Matern8181
10Johnathan Blanton8282
11Allen Doty8383
12Jacob Barham8484
13Xander Moffatt8686
14Landon Sach102102
1Emily Yale6767
2Kati Chachere7777
3Noel Covey8282
3Savanna Schimmel8282
1Mary Tanner9191
1Amanda Kaestner7979
2Jenna Goodrum8282
3Sara Bickford8383
4Jane Moffatt8787
1Rachelle Carroll9999
2Emily Williams104104
3Alisha Richards107107
1Deacon Hullinger7676
2Jaxon Buttars103103
1Sam Ward8888
1Lucy Hullinger7878
2Kylie Kohut8484
3Peyton Kohut8787
4Andelyn Gover8989
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