Wortman Turkey Toss 2019

Disc golf event

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hosted by Mid Valley Disc Sports Association

Part of Wortman Park Holiday Series 2019-2020


L. Jurez Louie Jurez GEN
T. Tatton Tim Tatton GEN


  • Thu
    Nov 28

    7:30am - 8:45am

    Registration. Fire and refreshments.

    8:45am - 9:00am

    Players meeting.

    9:00am - 11:45am

    1 round of 18 holes.

    11:45am - 12:15pm

    Awards. Fire and refreshments.


GEN General $3

About this tournament

This is the first event in our annual Holiday Series. We play 1 round of 18 holes each event. Thanksgiving is teams of 3ish. We somewhat randomly divide into teams of 3ish. Try to make teams even by skill level. Christmas is singles. New Year's is doubles. On New Year's we divide the field in half by age and randomly make teams from the two age groups. $3.00 to play each event. $5.00 per event if you want to gamble on your team. Christmas is done by divisions for gambling. You play for points to try to become the Holiday Series Champion. The winner gets a custom stamp hoodie sweatshirt. $1.00 per person per event goes towards sweatshirt. If enough paid in 2nd place, ext., will also get a sweatshirt(maybe just a shirt, disc, cash). $1.00 per person each event goes towards ctp prizes. Which are usually custom stamped discs. $1.00 per event goes towards the ace pot. If no one aces after last event then a ctp throw will win the pot. If pot is more than $50.00 then I will pay the 3 closest throws. Points are awarded as follows. You get 1 point for each person you score better than each event. You get a bonus point for showing up. You get 2 bonus points for your second event. You get 3 bonus points for your third event. You also get a bonus point for each ace in the series.