Wortman Turkey Toss 2017

Teams tournament

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Hosted by Mid Valley Disc Sports Association

Part of Wortman Holiday Series 2017


K. Stanger Kevin Stanger GEN
M. Herwig Mark Herwig GEN


  • Thu
    Nov 23

    8:00am - 8:45am

    Registration. I usually make a fire and have refreshments.

    8:45am - 8:55am

    Players meeting and divide into teams.

    9:00am - 11:30am


    11:45am - 12:00pm



GEN General $3 / team

About this tournament

This is the first of three holiday events (Thanksgiving,Christmas, and New Years) to gain points to become The Wortman Holiday Champion. Each event is $3.00 to play. $1.00 to each. Ace pot, CTP, and trophy fund. Once teams have been made. Anyone can bet $5.00 on their team. Payout will depend on number of teams. Most likely winner take all. 1 round of 18 holes. Ace pot rolls over to next event if not hit. A CTP hole on New Years will get ace pot if no one hits it. Number of people will determine number of CTP's per event. Champoin trophy of late has been a personalized hooded sweatshirt. Terry Shuler 971-241-5926