For those in the know here's how it goes. Usual OB's apply to all holes. Water, paved surfaces, and such.
Hole : Tee off pad behind restrooms by storage units to basket 1. Infield area OB, On and ove ...
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For those in the know here's how it goes. Usual OB's apply to all holes. Water, paved surfaces, and such.
Hole : Tee off pad behind restrooms by storage units to basket 1. Infield area OB, On and over path OB, Play area OB. 375 feet par 4.
Hole 2: Tee off path up hill past gate to basket 12(draw line between first brown apartment pole past gate and play area slide for tee). Island green. Must land between path line and creek on all shots. Re-tee on drive till you do. 175 feet par 3.
Hole 3: Tee off path up from colvert(crack line in path by open pipe) to basket 11. On or over path left OB.250 feet par 3.
Hole 4: Tee off path between benches near big tree(crack in path up from black path) to basket 12. On and over path OB. 335 feet par 3.
Hole 5: Tee off path left of basket 12 between small trees to basket 1. Mando right of big tree before table. Drop zone tee pad 2. On and over path OB. 175 feet par 3.
Hole 6: Tee off dirt behind roots by table near covered kitchen to basket 3. Island tee. Mando left of big tree on right near grass. Drop zone tee pad 1. Must land outside of dirt line on drive also. Drop zone tee pad 1. On and over path OB. 330 feet par 3.
Hole 7: Tee pad 4 to basket 9. 410 feet easy par 4.
Hole 8: Tee off path near restrooms(off path next to big root between paths leading to restrooms) to basket 10. On and over path right OB.240 feet par 3.
Hole 9: Tee off parking lot(between garbage can and white reflector pole) to basket 11. 180 feet par 3.
Hole 10: Tee off dirt between two big trees next to tee pad 12 to basket 12. Island hole. Must land within path line on all shots. Drop zone tee pad 4 off drive. 305 feet par 3.
Hole 11: Tee off path just up from tee pad 2 between 2nd and 3rd tree up from tee pad 2 to basket 2. On and over road OB. In and over creek OB. 265 feet par 3.
Hole 12: Tee off road just up from tee pad 1 to basket 1. Ball field infield area OB. 340 feet par 3.
Hole 13: Tee anywhere off backstop blacktop to basket 2. On and over road OB. In and over creek OB. 400 feet par 3.
Hole 14: Tee off road between tee pad 1 and parking lot by black patch where the road narrows to basket 4. Grass area that contains basket 2 is OB. land between path and creek is OB. On and over road OB. In and over creek deep OB. 355 feet par 4.
Hole 15: Tee pad 3 to basket 7. In and over creek OB. 520 feet par 4.
Hole 16: Tee pad 8 to basket 3. In and over creek OB. 780 feet par 5.
Hole 17: Tee pad 3 to basket 11. Land between crossing paths OB. Drop zone tee pad 4. 285 feet par 3.
Hole 18: Tee off path past tee pad 11(tee anywhere off path behind line in path where they joined two kinds of paving) to basket 2. On and over path OB. Island that contains basket 4 OB. On and over road OB. 445 feet par 4.