Women's Open of Maryland Edition Number 4 (WOMEN4) Presented by Bluechip Technologies

PDGA A/B-tier · Women

Sat-Sun, October 24-25, 2020

Hosted by Andrew Fish

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Allison Stone Tournament Director


  • Sat
    Oct 24


    Seneca Creek State Park opens


    Tee times begin, every 12 minutes until all cards have been sent out.


    (Approximate) Seneca Creek State Park closes


CAD Caddy $20
VOL Volunteer-Spotter/Scoring $0
SPON Sponsor Only $0
FPO Women's Pro Open $75
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $75
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $75
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ $75
FP70 Women's Pro 70+ $75
FA1 Women's Am 1 $50
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $50
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $50
FA60 Women's Am 60+ $50
FA70 Women's Am 70+ $50
FA2 Women's Am 2 $35
FA3 Women's Am 3 $35
FA4 Women's Am 4 $35
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $25
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $25
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $25
FJ10 Girls' Junior 10 $25
FJ08 Girls' Junior 8 $25
FJ06 Girls' Junior 6 $25

About this tournament

UPDATE: October 18, 2020:

We just sent an e-mail to all registered players, volunteers, sponsors, and caddies via the e-mail addresses provided with your signup. This includes the caddy book and the link to the player meeting, among other useful information. If you did not receive this e-mail, contact [email redacted] and also update your registration to reflect your correct e-mail address.

UPDATE: October 5, 2020:

Hi everyone, quick update just under 3 weeks out! Allie and I have a draft layout we plan to post this week. We'll also be receiving any comments from the County to our event plan. We've ordered t-shirts, and will be putting together all the player packs and recording a player meeting video this coming weekend!

Also of note, it pains us to say that we won't be able to provide lunches or water jugs this year. Please plan to bring enough to last you for the day. We will have some factory sealed snack packs made up, but won't be allowed to have communal food.

We'll plan to send out an e-mail to all registered and waitlisted players and volunteers with the caddy guide, player meeting, and other relevant information as soon as we can get it ready.

If you're planning to drop out, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can move the waitlist and give those folks the opportunity to finalize any travel/lodging plans. Thanks, feel free to post here or e-mail [email redacted] with any questions.

UPDATE: June 5, 2020


As of 6/4/2020, PDGA sanctioning for all tournaments in the state of Maryland have been approved and reinstated! Hooray!

With that said, we are still subject to all PDGA, Maryland, Montgomery County, and State Park guidelines regarding events. This may mean that some parts of our tournament experience which we consider valuable (provided lunches on-site, grilling and chilling after rounds, raffle & games, etc.) might require modification this year.

We strongly encourage you to consider the health and safety of your competitors and non-disc golfers you may encounter during travel, lodging, and playing.

- All PDGA requirements & guidelines regarding COVID-19 and tournament play will be strictly enforced: https://www.pdga.com/pdga-documents/tour-documents/requirements-and-best-practices-pdga-sanctioned-play-during-covid-19

FORMAT (Tentative):
- All divisions will play ONE ROUND PER DAY, in small groups.
- At this time — for the safety of all players, caddies, & volunteers — this most likely means tee times for players each day.

- All Pro Divisions (Open and age restricted): One round of 27 holes per day.
- Advanced Players (FA1 only): One round of 27 holes per day.
- All Amateur Divisions & Juniors (excluding FA1; including age-restricted Advanced Divisions): One round of 18 holes per day.

- In the event WOMEN4 must be postponed to 2021 due to PDGA sanctioning changes, local/state laws, park mandates, or the TDs deem this event unsafe for players and volunteers, 100% of player & caddie entry fees will be refunded.

We are honored to be hosting this event and hope to see you there! Please tell your friends and competitors! We are actively seeking sponsors and volunteers for this event to make it special for all of the participants, please get in touch if you want to help!

Please contact [email redacted] if you have questions about the event.

Refund policy

Andrew Fish/Allie Stone are responsible for all refunds/cancellations. All refund requests by October 10, 2020 will be refunded in full, less any transaction fees from DGScene and PayPal. Any refund requests after October 10, 2020 will be processed in accordance with the PDGA Competition Manual, Section 1.03E, including temporary amendment.