Wolf Pack Discs Open (Day 2 - Am1, Am3, Pro Masters, jrs, Grandmasters)

PDGA logoSunday, April 22, 2018 at Independence Lake County Park in Whitmore Lake, Michigan
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Wolf Pack Discs Open (Day 2 - Am1, Am3, Pro Masters, jrs, Grandmasters) graphic
Added cash $500

About this tournament


No Cashless Pre- Registration - $10 day of registration fee

2 Rounds of 18 Holes
MDGO Feature Event
16 berths will be awarded for the Michigan State Championships
Discraft Player Pack disc for all AMs

Long pads: Open Men, Open Women, AM1, , Advanced Masters

Short Pads: AM2, AM3, Advanced GrandMasters, All amateur women's divisions

We will be raffling a CHAINSTAR basket also!

This years event is a MDGO featured event! We will have 16 berths to The Discraft Michigan State Championships to award over the weekend. The winner of each division with at least 3 participants will be awarded a berth (Excluding MA4). The remaining berths will be allocated to the largest divisions.

The first 45 to register (combined total for Sat & Sun) will receive an extra player pack disc compliments of Discraft. Thank you Discraft!

To help address the sandbagging issues at the Michigan State Championships, a motion was made and the Motion was passed:
a. For the Am2/Am3 (including the women) divisions in Featured Events, if there is a player that takes 1st or 2nd place and that player has never had a PDGA membership the Featured Event will deduct from that player’s payouts $35 to cover the cost of buying them a PDGA membership.
b. The remaining $10 was initially paid by the player at entry.
c. The last missing $5 is because the MDGO is an Affiliate Club.
d. Non-current PDGA members do not apply.
e. The MDGO will reimburse $17 to the FE to help cover any loss.
f. It is HEAVILY stressed that this needs to be advertised so the player base is aware of this prior to the event.

This was passed to address the issue of players not having player ratings. Even if they are not current, the TD does get a file from the PDGA that includes the player's rating.
Refund policy

Refund policy

Wolf Pack Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancelations. No refunds after 4/16 of any kind.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/34668
Round 1: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk Black tees (long), 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk Black tees (long), 18 holes, par 57
1Kevin Baldwin5354107
2Jammie Letts5454108
3Daymon Pugh5257109
Round 1: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk Black tees (long), 18 holes, par 57
Round 2: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk Black tees (long), 18 holes, par 57
1Derek Evans5854112
1Ken Sailler5557112
3Christopher Batdorf-Barnes5558113
4Brent Moreno5856114
4Cody VanHevel5757114
4Elijah Wykes5658114
4Jeff Hollinger5757114
4Peter Deutsch5856114
9Darrin Harrison5956115
9Joseph LaPerna6253115
11Charlton Craig5957116
11Joshua Kaufman6056116
13Bob Morton5760117
13Christopher Koontz5661117
13Derek Scobie5958117
13Jake Messner6156117
13Scott Sprow6057117
18Benjamin Georgescu5959118
18Nate Yarbrough5959118
20Kevin Kwiatkowski6059119
20Zach Dillinger5960119
22Greg Harrell6159120
23Brenden Andrews6061121
23Daniel Whitlock6457121
25Timothy McIsaac6458122
26Daniel Lee5964123
27Joe Paczwa5866124
28Steve Albert6263125
29Jason Flowers6462126
30Michael Yahner6265127
30Ricardo Lauchu6463127
Round 1: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk White tees (mid), 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk White tees (mid), 18 holes, par 54
1Jeffrey McGuire5649105
2Jason Erwin5553108
3Ron Simpson5356109
4Ian Granger5357110
4Raymond Blain5357110
4Steven Smith5555110
7Brendan Livingston5853111
7Mathew Neal5259111
9Joel Bowser5755112
9Jon Henry5953112
11Michael McDuffey5756113
12Adam Papaik5658114
12Jeff Demoville6054114
12Keith Walenciak6054114
12Robert Moss5856114
16Alex Toupin6055115
16Dorcey Crank6154115
16Drake Ruhberg5956115
16Justin Erway5857115
20Andrew Young5858116
20David Belanger6056116
20James Gross5759116
20Josh Fortin6155116
20Michael McCormick5759116
20Shawn Perry6056116
26Matthew Robere5760117
26Michael Cook6057117
28Christopher Jacobs6256118
28Jason Wisniewski5761118
28Josh Russell5959118
31Alex Mertz6158119
31Dylan Winters6059119
31Ty Preston6158119
34Xavier Gonzales6060120
34Zack Cardenas6654120
36Jonathan Koch6259121
36Randy Fortune6259121
36Robert Najar Jr6457121
36Shawn Herbert6358121
40Alex Moser6656122
40Chris Trumbull6062122
40Michael Adams6458122
43Michael Mertz6360123
44Andrella Jay Serratos6658124
44Tad Boice6559124
46Jon Peters6065125
46Rick Long6659125
46Shea Abbgy6065125
49Jeff Yanssens6561126
50Kyle Benyi6068128
50Paul Kirian6563128
50Ray Sherwood6662128
53Benjamin Pierce6762129
54Ryan Rich6468132
55Chad Harju--0
Round 1: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk White tees (mid), 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Independence Lake County Park - Red Hawk White tees (mid), 18 holes, par 54
1Abigale Bommarito110106216
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