Winterberry Open

PDGA logoSat-Sun, November 2-3, 2024 at Westy Acres in Greenfield, Massachusetts
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Winterberry Open graphic
Added cash $1,000


Tournament DirectorA.J. Krawczyk
Tournament DirectorZachary Podhorzer
Tournament DirectorDavid Westbrook

About this tournament

This is a two-day, two-round, tee-time B-Tier for pros and amateurs at Westy Acres.

Tournament 18 Layout
MPO, MP40 - Blue Tees
MP50, MP60, FPO, FP40, MA1, MA2, MA40, MA50, - White Tees
FA1, MA3, FA50, FA60, FA2, FA3, MJ15 - Red Tees

The entry fee for this event varies by division.
From each entry, the following will be deducted:
- $3 to the PDGA
- $2 to bathrooms
- $8 to greens fees which pays for course upkeep
- $3 TD fee donated to support the event
- The remainder of each Pro entry will be applied directly to the cost of awards and to the payout for that division.
- The remainder of each Amateur entry will be used to cover the cost of their player pack, division awards and then applied to the payout for that division.

There will be medals for all divisions with large trophies for divisions with at least three (3) or more players registered on October 18th. Divisions with at least ten (10) or more players on that date will have first, second, and third place trophies.

At least $1000 added cash for Pro divisions.

Pro Payouts: We will payout 40% of the Pro divisions. Payouts will be issued via Paypal or Venmo within 48 hours of completion of the event.
Amateur Payouts: We will payout 45% of the Amateur divisions. All amateur divisions play for merchandise credit at Disc Golf 978.

All pro payouts will be done through PayPal to the email you registered with unless a different email or a Venmo account name is specified for the Electronic Payment Account in the registration form.

All AM players will receive a $25 credit to Disc Golf 978 to pick their own player pack. This can be used towards any purchase at Disc Golf 978 and is not limited to $25.

Players will receive an email prior to the event with all event information.
Westy Acres Caddie Book:

Pre-tournament check-in is required for players before the first round. All players must arrive at least 30 minutes before the posted tee time.

Pre-tournament check-in will also be available Friday evening (10/1) between 3PM and 6PM at Tournament Central on the stage.

Players must also check in with the starter no less than 5 minutes prior to their tee time each day and be present at the starting hole for the 5 minutes preceding their tee time each day. (See PDGA Competition Manual Section 1.04)

We will be using digital scorecards for this event. if you would like to review and research this method, please follow this link:

Code: WBO24

Awards will be presented on Sunday approximately 15 minutes after last card is in for each division.

Weather permitting there will be a glow round on Saturday night, November 2nd.

Camping will be available for the weekend at Westy Acres near the Farm 9 layout. A limited number of RV / Van / Trailer / Tent sites are available for a $10 donation. A porta-potty will be available near the camping area.

The camping area has separate vehicle access from the course and is adjacent to hole 11 (casual layout hole 14). The address will be included in the information emailed to participants.

The camping area is available for setup starting at Noon on Friday, November 1st.

Refund policy

All refunds will follow the PDGA Policy in 1.03 of the Competition Manual ( A $10 fee may be assessed to all refund requests as outlined in the PDGA Policy.

There will be no refunds issued after registration is closed.


Westy Acres
Greenfield, MA   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at
1Jerry Showman6459123$453
2Gillis MacDougall6361124$287
3Kyle Bergmann6561126$210
4Charlie Veysey6265127$155
5Reuben Hagen6662128
6John Hafner6568133
7Ben Drogue6472136
8Sam Lord7166137
9Alden Slack7167138
10Joshua Storgaard8375158
1Joshua Niss6764131$422
2Daniel Jenkins7265137$288
3Drew McDowell7268140$200
4Frank Wruk7372145$147
5Bob Kulchuk7276148$117
6Brian Hunter7772149
7Brian Betit7577152
8Chris Young7776153
9Chris Buckle8075155
10David Muise8678164
11George Reichardt85-85
1Brie Smith6865133$308
2Colleen Hutchinson7271143
1Caleb Kennedy5859117$149
2Benjamin Kenney6260122$79
2Jacob Williams6260122$79
2Jason Cagney6062122$79
5Jared Bergmann6460124$43
6David Pitcher6164125
6Jeremiah Shumskiy6461125
8Jonathan Hutchinson6462126
9Dan Snyder6959128
10Ben Graham-Putter6861129
11Patrick Smith7074144
1Chris Renaud7175146$29
1Jim Olson6568133$73
2Seth Hermanson6668134$43
3Erik Brandl6871139
3Tyler G Bowden7267139
1Tim Kang6160121$94
2Dustin Gass6164125$83
3John MacDonald6665131$77
4Brandon Bensel6567132$64
4Justin Evers6864132$64
6Declan Croutworst6965134$55
7Adam Ruggiero6571136$38
7Alex Luckham6868136$38
7Malcolm Crosby6670136$38
10Geoffrey Kanteles7067137
10Keith Gilbert7067137
10Neil Ruggiero6671137
13Nate Nelson7465139
14Ira Band7170141
15Derek Chambers7272144
16Jonathan Spring7077147
17Nathan Tarbox7574149
18Zac Saunders7580155
19Jimmy Vieu74-74
1Zack Dossett6064124$78
2Dante Van Toorn6362125$57
3Tony Udell6561126$39
4Aaron Ciccarelli6962131
5Larry Wheeler6666132
6Jan Kuznik II6971140
1Alyssa Nichols6959128$39
1Lisa Brandl7068138$58
2Michele Archambault8784171
1Teri Westbrook7165136$29
1Sara McConnell6673139$29
1Wendie Salmi6773140$52
2Molly Dolben7270142$35
3Cadie Wells-Robinson7379152
1Waylon Spring6155116$38
2Nico Jimenez6672138
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