Winter of DISContent

PDGA logoSaturday, February 16, 2019 at Fort Washington State Park in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Winter of DISContent graphic

About this tournament

B.S. Bochantin Upshot presents Winter of DISContent

Amateur player's pack to include Westside Towel, DD Hat and a hand warmer

PDGA C Tier Tournament of all 9 available holes at Fort Washington Park Disc Golf Course

1 round consisting of the nine holes done three times in a row.

Sign in begins at 8 am
Players meeting at 9 am
Tee off right after players meeting.

Refund policy

Refunds only for people requesting them before the event starts.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Eric Schubert9696
1Kyle Schubert9898
2Sean Smith100100
3Kenny Alexander101101
4John Baird102102
5Brian Vez Dombroski107107
6Joel Pielacha108108
7Ryan Shreck109109
8Nathan Haskell117117
1Bob O'Donnel107107
2Scott Lee107107
3Brian Cox108108
3Martin Dehaven108108
3Michael Duerr108108
3Mike Dasconio108108
7Lee Gould109109
8Dan Wilson112112
8James Schubert112112
10Dave The0ldman Cox113113
11Justin Cruz114114
12Drew Minko115115
13Dan Lezoche116116
13Patrick Sylves116116
15Frank Henofer117117
16Aaron Logue118118
17Geoff Morris119119
18Chris Young120120
19John Costello122122
20Dustin Sands123123
20John McKernan Jr123123
22Kerry Murphy132132
1Daryle Bokolas104104
2Ryan Chudd104104
3Jason Keple106106
4Kyle Henofer112112
5Dan Connochie115115
5J. Alex Paiva115115
5Kenneth McKnight115115
5Nate Runkel115115
9Tor Heilman117117
10Adam Kincaid121121
11Randy Nava123123
12John Efkowitz135135
1Kevin Nadrowski112112
2Glen Huntzinger117117
2Peter Chicarielli117117
4Rachel Baltuch Dombroski121121
5Joseph Hartmann123123
6John Birkrem124124
7Kyra Hissner131131
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