One round at Rochelle Ridge (9 from the shorts, 9 from the longs) and one at Hoover Ridge. Greens fees of $10 included in all entries. Juniors will play the afternoon round at Rochelle only! (Tee time TBD but roughly 1 pm) Mixed divisions with fewer than 3 players will be folded into another division on close of registration.
Welcome to the Winter Ridge Runner. The weather has posed a few challenges for us but appears good to go at this point. The courses are going to be snowy/icy and it is going to be very cold. Be prepared. Please exercise good sense regarding COVID as well.
Parking at Rochelle will be immediately to the left as you enter driveway. There will be people to greet you and navigate parking. If you can carpool please do so. Parking at Hoover Ridge will be along the side of plowed road and if you have a vehicle that can traverse weather conditions park left of hole one perpendicular to hole.
A pool (Pros, MA1, MA40, MA60) check in will run from730 to 845 at Rochelle Ridge tee time 9:15. B pool players check in at the shelter at Hoover Ridge from 8 to 8:45, tee time 9:00 am. Hole assignments will be up on the PDGA event page Friday evening- please re-confirm your hole Saturday morning in case there are changes (which there inevitably will be).
Scoring will be through the PDGA Live Scoring system. Log in through with the code “winter.” Backup paper scorecards will be available at registration. PDGA Live can now be accessed by more than one player in a group at a time so is preferred for backup as well. The system is seamless and easy. Round 2 hole assignments and tee time will be on the PDGA site as soon as practicable following round 1.
Amateurs will each get a players pack disc at check in and top 40% in each division will get a voucher redeemable at Raptors Roost Pro Shop. If you place in the top 40% of your division please pick up your voucher from your course TD prior to leaving. Failure to do so will result in having it sent through the mail. If you live out of the area and cannot see yourself ever making it to Raptor’s Roost (your loss) contact John at [email redacted] and he will work something out. Ace pot will be donated to Hoover Ridge basket fund if no one hits it.
OB are all marked with flags or posts marked with orange. All fences are OB. Minimum of one meter relief is required from all barbed wire- you may take up to 2 meters. There will be several fires at Rochelle Ridge. These are also ob. Mando's at Rochelle Ridge are marked in red with arrow. Drop zones are marked with white flags that say dz except for 15. 15 you will tee from 6 tee pad. Pond is ob. There are no Mando's at Hoover Ridge. Unlimited casual relief allowed from icy slopes which do not allow you to stand. Casual relief must be taken straight back along the line of play.
A Pool plays Rochelle/Hoover. B Pool plays Hoover/Rochelle. B Pool plays short pads on 15 and 17 at Hoover. Juniors play the second round at Rochelle only.
Ground rules are in the Live Scoring system as well as below.
Hoover Ground Rules:
1 Road and across OB
3 Fence OB
10 Road and across OB
11 Ball field OB
12 Stream OB
13 Stream OB
14 Pond OB
15 Left of fence OB, Pond OB
16 Pond OB, outside fence OB
17 Pond and swampy area OB, Outside fence OB
18 main road (beyond basket) and across OB
Rochelle Ground Rules
1 Fences and burn area OB as marked
2 Play left of Mando, drop zone marked.
3 Play left of Mando, drop zone marked. Fence OB
4 Pond OB, fences OB, right side of green area OB as marked, Play to right of mando.
6 Play to right of mando. Fence OB. Bamboo OB- bamboo OB plays from drop zone.
8 Fence OB
9 Flags OB right. Casual relief from propane tank enclosure
10 Fences and burn area OB as marked
11 Play left of Mando, drop zone marked
12 Play left of Mando, drop zone marked. Fence OB
13 Pond OB, fences OB, right side of green area OB as marked, Play to right of mando
15 Play to right of mando. Fence OB. Bamboo OB- bamboo OB plays from drop zone.
17 Fence OB
18 Flags OB right. Casual relief from propane tank enclosure
5662 South Blue Ridge Turnpike 22738