Winter Blaster

PDGA logoSunday, January 5, 2025 at Blue Ribbon Pines in East Bethel, Minnesota
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Winter Blaster graphic

About this tournament

The WINTER BLASTER Tradition Continues in 2025!!!!!

1 round of 27 holes for all the marbles!!!

Angie will be there and will have hot food/snacks/drinks for sale. Join us for what will surely be a fun winter event.

AMS will receive a custom "Winter Blaster" Hoodie as their players pack (if signed up by Dec 15). After Dec 15, AMs will receive a custom Twin Town Thrasher Hoodie (while supplies/sizes last). Once the Twin Town hoodies are gone, players will receive 3 discs from Westside, Latitude 64 and Dynamic Discs.

All major divisions are open but there needs to be at least 3 players to make a division, otherwise we may ask you to move up.


$5 - Greens Fees to BRP
$1 - 2025 Twin Town Throwdown
$2 - 2025 Masters Worlds
$3 - PDGA Player Fees

Refund policy

Twin Town Throwdown is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. We strictly abide by the PDGA Refund Policy

Any refund requests, including wait list refunds for those who don't get in will be honored less a $5 processing/wait list fee.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Timothy T3J Johnson Jr7676$107
2Josh Miller7878$68
3Chris Hall7979$50
4Jake Eckstein8181$36
5Danny Cherlow8282
6Chris Kelley8383
7Peter Atkins8585
8Andrew “Froggi” Ashton8686
9Nolan Crockford9494
1Aaron Gulbranson8080$83
2Justin Wilcox8686$52
3Ryan H. LaRue8686
4Jon Buck9090
5Ray Jordan9191$39
6Chris Tourville-0
1Sky Davey8484$58
2Robin Johnson9595
1Samuel Waller8282
2Derek Peters8383
3Aeleeya Moua8585
4Rick Cary8686
4Will Kornbaum8686
6Jason Murak8787
6John Hart8787
6Luke Mago8787
9John Xiong8888
10Jeng Xiong8989
11Scott M9090
11Silas Schell9090
13Tyler German9191
13Tyler Guimont9191
15Calin Jacobs9292
15Carlton Krantz9292
15Lonnie Hanson9292
19Alejandro Nunez9393
20Holden Hagerman9494
21No Xrossing9999
1Nick Nelson8686
2Eduard Teisanu8787
3Ryan Hewitt8888
4Winton Johnson9191
5Joe Bennett9292
5Rob Kuenzi9292
7Jose Sprague9797
8Jason Nance9898
9Travis Beckers9999
10Darren Helle102102
1Jamie Schell9090
2Dale Hengel9595
3Matt Sofka9797
4Chris Brylski9898
5Jimmy Beldon9999
6Douglas Cournoyer100100
7Jamie Lang105105
8Jeremy “Matt” Meinhardt108108
9Greg Stuart113113
1Kestutis Ambrutis8989
1Matt Mueggenberg8989
1Ryan Komosa8989
4Joshua Danderand9090
5Joseph Kornbaum9191
5Lorenzo Raneses9191
5Michael Clapper9191
5Nicholas Kelly9191
5Tony Kutzke9191
5Zach Klassen9191
11Alan Splettstoeszer9393
11Mark Nelson9393
13Ben Kuenzi9696
14David Buyck9797
15Jeff Carpenter9898
16Mike B100100
1Kub Vang8686
2Aaron Brancamp9191
2Danny Bihrle9191
2Jeremy Navarro9191
6Douglas Smith9292
7Christopher Brister9494
8Aaron Connor9797
8Matt Liddle9797
10Andrew Johnson9898
11Wesley Kohler9999
12Dan Osmonson100100
12Jake Olson100100
12Randy Paul100100
15William Dass103103
16Dale Wendt105105
16Justin Rademacher105105
18Matthew Archer110110
1Richard Mann9292
2Michael Cveykus9494
3Alex Lamkin9696
3Nick Buyense9696
5Logan Rieger115115
1Renae Gage118118
2Jenny Batten120120
1Monica Castaldi116116
1Haley Johnson104104
1Amanda Kutzke123123
2Staci Carpenter124124
3Kelli Lindaberry152152
1Hayden Wiebusch135135
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