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About this tournament
2018 WPDGC league starts 5/9/18 and runs through 8/15/18. You can tee between 4 and 6pm. Guest are welcome to ...
2018 WPDGC league starts 5/9/18 and runs through 8/15/18. You can tee between 4 and 6pm. Guest are welcome to play every week, to get in on the CTPs & ace pool (1/2 of the pot) it will cost 5$
Ace pool will be weekly roll over @ 1$ per player per week, with a cap (TBD). Any left over ace pool money will go towards end of the year payout.
Players packs will include a minimum of 2 premium Innova discs.
We will be doing 2 weeks of "pre season play" to set handicaps, pay league dues and pick up players packs - April 25th & May 2nd