Wild Haven Open

Singles tournament

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hosted by Yeti Tech


J. Klingelsmith Jocob Klingelsmith RPA
R. Smithkey Roy Smithkey RAE


  • Sat
    Jun 15

    11:00am - 12:45pm

    Check-In / In-Person Registration

    12:45pm - 12:50pm

    Players Meeting / Tee Assignments

    1:00pm - 2:30pm

    1st Round (Times Approximate)

    2:30pm - 3:00pm

    Break (approximate - will be 1/2 an hour AFTER THE LAST SCORECARD FROM ROUND 1 IS TURNED IN)

    3:00pm - 5:30pm

    2nd Round (approximate)


RPA Gold [rating 970+] $35
RAH Blue [rating <970] $30
RAD White [rating <935] $25
RAE Red [rating <900] $20
RAF Green [rating <850] $15
RAG Purple [rating <800] $10

About this tournament

===== Technical Details: ============
This is an UNSANCTIONED event and therefore it will cost less and be a lot of fun! Two rounds, one on each course. We will use a format similar to the PDGA Ratings-Based but with some significant changes: 1) You can play any division at or above your rating - never below. 2) Every color division has a PRO and an AM option. Pros win cash, Ams win merchandise in ALL DIVISIONS. 3) Players without a current PDGA rating may be moved up (or, possibly down) divisions by the TD between rounds if their performance indicates they are in the wrong division HOWEVER - deliberate "Sandbagging" will result in a DQ. 4) All divisions will play from the matching tee colors. 5) Pro Payouts to the top 25% in each Pro division (one payout spot for every 4 players); Am Payouts to the top 33% (1 payout spot per 3 players) = larger payouts than you would find in a PDGA tourney. 6) ALL SCHEDULE TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE...especially if there are thunderstorms in the area. For best results, just plan on being there for the whole day.
===== Fun Stuff: =====
FREE CAMPING for competitors all weekend long!! ($20 value per person)
Players pack will include two free day passes for unlimited disc at Wild Haven ($10 value)
Special discounts in the Pro Shop for EVERYONE all weekend long. (Value depends on how much you buy!)
Post-Game bonfire & live music by Wildman (value questionable, entertaining at least)
Glow/Night rounds for fun (how can you put a value on that?)
50/50 Ace Race side game going all weekend: $5 per entry, one shot from the Yetisburg Purple tees, may play more times for an additional $5 to beat your score. All Cash payout to top 10% best scores.
Try out the new Sasquatch Safari Layout utilizing safari holes from BOTH courses for an epic disc golf adventure.

Refund policy

Yeti Tech is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.